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OMC世界超级冠军是的!OMC World Supreme Champion YES!

在最高法院有拉丁裔确实很强大。A Latina on the Supreme Court's great.

最圆满的果报是无希求和恐惧。Supreme fruition is without hope and fear.

最殊胜的禅修是不散乱。Supreme meditation is without distraction.

无上瑜伽的修练是无穷无尽的。Practice of supreme yoga is the same as this.

觉者是谁?是观照还是至上?Who is the jnani? The witness or the supreme?

科罗唱歌既充满激情,又十分灵活。Kollo sings with supreme verve and flexibility.

同盟国远征军最高司令部Supreme headquarters allied expeditionary force

应发无上菩提之心。They should bring forth The Supreme Bodhi Mind.

至尊这的扣篮喂现在是可利用的在大气。This Dunk Hi Supreme is now available at Atmos.

这是披着宗教外衣的最为错误的行为。This is supreme wrong-doing cloaked by religion.

你听说最高法院驳回上诉了吗?You heard the Supreme Court rejected the appeal?

让人民的福祉成为最高律令。Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law.

现在看来这起诉讼只能转到最高院了。Now it might be headed back to the Supreme Court.

目前,费舍女士案已经告到联邦最高法院。Now her case is hurtling toward the Supreme Court.

后来,最高法院同意接受Panetti的上诉请求。The Supreme Court agreed to hear Panetti's appeal.

最高法院裁定此案必须重新审理。The Supreme Court ruled that this case be retried.

堪萨斯法院的判决为终审判决。In the end, the Kansas Supreme Court ruling stands.

伊朗最高法院2007年宣布维持原判。Iran's supreme court upheld the conviction in 2007.

生命中最大的辛福是坚信有人爱我的!The supreme happiness of life is that we are loved !