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美国领导人开始抨击中国。U.S. leaders took swipes at China on Thursday.

如果一位少年偷钱包,我们就称为犯罪。If a teenager swipes a wallet, we call it a crime.

要把鼠标从屏幕一端移到另一端还划好几下。It took a lot of swipes to move the cursor across the screen.

她输入PIN码并接上氢气输气管。She swipes an access fob, enters a PIN and attaches the hydrogen nozzle.

各种动画效果开始通过触摸,挥笔等手势。Various animation effects initiated by touch, swipes and other gestures.

在酒店内,迈可从酒店清理工的手推车里乘机偷取了万能钥匙卡。Back at the hotel Michael swipes a universal room key card from a maid's cart.

你不需要禁用系统的锁定屏幕,或者点击屏幕解锁两次。You don't need to disable the system lock screen, or deal with two unlock swipes.

这样,在考场上我才能挥笔流畅,答题自如。In this way, I can only swipes at the examination room on the smooth, answer freely.

这个程序让我动动手指就能浏览艺术家、专辑和播放列表。The program let me flip through artists, albums and playlists with simple finger swipes.

从另一项业务赚的钱里拿出几十亿美元,竭尽所能地抄袭过来,甚至包括“拖拽”技术和应用程序。Spend billions from another business and copy everything you can, down to swipes and apps.

打击企业的成长一直以来都是错误的做法,但他所打击的常规目标相对来说没有受到什么伤害。Bashing business is never good, but his swipes at the usual targets were relatively harmless.

星期四,该报告发布,给创世论和其它反进化论观点以沉重一击。The report released Thursday also takes swipes at creationism and other anti-evolution views.

他们会后腿一跳,向空中猛的一击,或是彼此打斗撕缠在一处。They would prance on their hind legs, making wild swipes in the air or tumbling over each other.

每一击者似微不足道,然而,累积起来,巨树终会倒下.这恰如我今天的努力。Yet from childish swipes the oak will eventually tumble. So it will be with my efforts of today.

这部手机的正面没有任何按钮,所有的操作都是用轻触或者猛击它来完成。There are no buttons on the front of the device, and everything is controlled by taps and swipes.

目前,默多克的激烈言辞似乎还没有减缓,而最近邓文迪的那一记“扣杀”却震惊寰宇。For the moment, the swipes seem not to haveabated. And the latest, most spectacular one came from Wendi.

磁挥笔赢得大多数读者除了停止和去抖动或刷卡吨,将会给一个完整的错误读数。Most magnetic swipes readers wont except JITTER or STOPS and go SWIPES, will give a complete error reading.

商店的记账员把食物擦过扫描器。食品的价格就在屏幕上弹出了。计算器怎么会计算得如此精准?The clerk swipes the food over the scanner. The price pops up on the screen. How did the computer get so smart?

然后有顾客插入自己的电子卡,输入一个只属于他本人的密码。The customers swipes his or her own electronic card, enters a private number which belongs to the customer alone.

每一击者似微不足道,然而,累积起来,巨树终会倒下英语学习工具。Each blow, of itself, may be trifling, and seem of no consequence. Yet from childish swipes the oak will eventually tumble.