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相约爱到永远永远。And swore eternal love.

他对我的画评价很高。He swore by my pictures.

雷斯上校急躁地骂开了。Colonel Race swore hastily.

他发誓一定要挫败奥丁的计划。He swore to defeat Odin's plan.

母亲真的愤怒了,骂着他们。Mother really angry, swore they.

他们发誓永不分离。They swore never to be separated.

他对她咒骂着,又抓起另一只。He swore at her and seized another.

他的朋友们担保说他为人廉正。His friends swore him to integrity.

她咒骂自己,气得脸色发青。She swore herself black in the face.

她极力向我推荐她的劣质雪利酒。She swore by her inferior sherry to me.

那人控告她并发誓说控告属实。The man swore an accusation against her.

吉尔发誓她再也不会弄错了。Jill swore she would never mess up again.

新任总理阿披于上周宣誓就职。Prime Minister AP was swore in last week.

侦探宣誓所控属实后领到一张搜查证。The detectives swore out a search warrant.

两位绅士誓要决一死战。Two gentlemen swore to fight to the death.

他对天发誓再也不说谎了。He swore by Jupiter not to tell a lie again.

当玛莎问他什么意思时,他还对她吐脏话。And swore at her when she asked what he meant.

宪法授予总统宣战权。The President swore to uphold the constitution.

倒翻在书上的孩子臭骂了一顿。He swore at the boy who dropped ink on the book.

证人发誓将据实陈述。The witness swore that she would tell the truth.