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我打电话给赛门铁克公司和他们重新激活它。I called Symantec and they re-activated it.

赛门铁克反病毒公司测试过。Symantec Anti-Virus corporate was tested too.

几家券商上调了赛门铁克的目标股价.Several brokerages raised price targets on Symantec.

赛门铁克发现这是一项合算的生意。This is a lucrative business, Symantec has discovered.

他希望赛门铁壳能解决更多的问题。He'd like to see Symantec solve a wider range of problems.

杰弗里集团把赛门铁克公司股票评级从持有上调为买入。Symantec was also raised to “buy” from “hold” at Jefferies Group Inc.

能够监视和维护赛门铁克诺顿防病毒企业版。Be able to monitor and maintain Symantec Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition.

美国Symantec公司预计在世界范围内共有500万个僵尸网络执行着投递垃圾邮件的业务。Symantec estimates that there are approximately 5 million spam-sending botnets worldwide.

像赛门铁克等公司都宣称它们可以探测和清除即时隐藏最深的rootkit感染。Companies like Symantec assert they can detect and clean even the deepest rootkit infection.

由于磁盘清理,赛门铁克恢复磁盘将检测未初始化的磁盘。Because the disk was cleaned, the Symantec Recovery Disk will detect the un-initialized disk.

这些数字均来自赛门铁克预定于周一发布的关于互联网地下经济的报告。That's according to the Symantec Report on the Internet Underground Economy due to be released Monday.

这个集团因其在全球分售盗版的微软和赛门铁克软件而被指控。That group has been accused of counterfeiting Microsoft and Symantec software and distributing it worldwide.

今年头两个月,McAfee的股价下跌了19个百分点而Symantec的则上涨了2个百分点。In the first two months of the year, McAfee shares dropped 19 percent while Symantec shares climbed 2 percent.

赛门铁克表示,攻击者使用看似平常的电子邮件在目标公司的电脑上放置恶意软件。Symantec said the attacks used innocent-seeming emails to place malicious software on computers at the target companies.

赛门铁克报告说,蠕虫主要在伊朗境内攻击,并且适时出现在印度、印尼及其他国家。The worm hit primarily inside Iran, Symantec reported, but also in time appeared in India, Indonesia and other countries.

赛门铁克发现,三分之二的恶意链接,都是通过短网址将用户重定向到有威胁的网站。Two-thirds of malicious links in news feeds used shortened URLs that redirected users to an attack website, Symantec found.

但是我们也注意到,EMC公司、惠普、赛门铁克公司榜上无名。But just as notable is the list of companies that are missing, among them EMC Corp. , Hewlett-Packard Co. and Symantec Corp.

这不禁让赛门铁克的研究人员想这是否就是手机僵尸网络在现实中的第一个实例呢。This led the Symantec researchers to wonder if this was, in fact, the first case of a mobile botnet being spotted in the wild.

Huger称,赛门铁克迄今只发现了少量利用PowerPoint漏洞发动的攻击。Huger said that Symantec has so far only observed a limited number of hacker attempts to exploit the vulnerability in PowerPoint.

这个表格展示了赛门铁克监测到的软件销售价格和在地下经济服务器上出售的盗版软件价格。This table shows the sales price and estimated value of pirated software sold on underground economy servers monitored by Symantec.