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第五交响曲Fifth Symphony?

对的,第五交响曲Okay. Symphony no. 5.

是交响乐Well, it's a symphony.

对的,第九交响乐Okay. So Ninth Symphony.

第九交响乐,是一八二三年到一八二四年完成的Ninth Symphony is 1823-1824.

对,是贝多芬的第五交响曲Okay, Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.

交响乐以弱音结束。The symphony ends in a pianissimo.

这部交响乐以弱音乐章结束。The symphony ends in a pianissimo.

一个交响乐团最先入场。A symphony orchestra came in first.

交响乐通常都是无标题音乐。Usually symphony is absolute music.

交响乐通常都是无标题音乐。Usually symphony is absolute music.

那首交响曲被糟蹋得不成样了。The symphony was dreadfully mangled.

他曾帮助创作合唱交响曲。He helped to accouche choral symphony.

乐队演奏了一首莫札特的交响曲。The orchestra played a Mozart symphony.

写出一首伟大的诗,谱出一曲伟大的交响乐。One write a great poem, a great symphony.

该管弦乐队将演奏她新近推出的那首交响曲。The orchestra will debut her new symphony.

录音机可使这交响曲重现。The tape recorder reproduced the symphony.

第四交响曲,作品44,“交响片段”Symphony No. 4, Op. 44, Pages symphoniques.

其顶峰为交响乐和清唱剧。Its peaks are the symphony and the oratorio.

第4交响曲缩编谱,为双钢琴而作。Reduction of Symphony No. 4, for two pianos.