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弓弦绷得很紧。The bowstring is stretched taut.

显然,与弦脉相关的临床疾病范围较广。Taut pulse is relevant to most diseases.

你的帆布包,现在应该绷紧和平稳。Your canvas should now be taut and smooth.

他们都穿着合身的T恤和牛仔裤或者卡其衫。They all wore taut T-shirts and jeans or khakis.

他挥臂指向笔直的地平线。He waved his arm at the taut wire of the horizon.

灰绳拉紧白帆袖桅杆向天愁。After the white-gray sails taut to their spars and ropes.

他脸紧绷绷的,像很生气的样子。He had a taut expression on his face, apparently very angry.

你的皮肤会变得紧绷绷的,水分已被吸干的鸡蛋面膜也会裂开。Your skin will become very taut and the dried egg will crack.

因为你腰部周围的肌肉群同时也支撑你的的脊柱,因此站直了,就能保持你的背部和腹部肌肉紧凑。So stand up straight and keep your back and stomach muscles taut.

在农村,牲畜拉紧的皮肤下肋骨清晰可见。In the countryside, ribs poke from under the taut skin of livestock.

轻拉起右脚靠向臀部,使得大腿有拉紧的感觉。Light pull right foot toward their hips, thighs make a taut feeling.

紧绷的身体,粗糙的皮毛,腿也像石头一样。Stretched taut and covered in coarse fur, his legs are also like rock.

他悄悄地撤去细线,以雄劲的气力攀登在高空之上。He quietly removed thin, crisp, taut energy to climb over a high altitude.

结论紧脉脉图与弦脉脉图间存在差异。ConclusionThere is difference between the pulse graphs of taut and vire pulse.

绛灰色的尾毛形若一个拧紧的死结。The gray-brown tuft of a tail has the screwed-tight appearance of a taut knot.

罗纳尔迪尼奥一直在努力训练,他已经没有了小肚子,他很瘦,很苗条。Dinho has been training hard and has already lost his belly, he's thin and taut.

剃须时应绷紧皮肤,以减少剃刀在皮肤上运行时的阻力。Shaving should be taut skin, to reduce resistance in razor when run on the skin.

好在小家伙回敬他的只是无动于衷地盯着他,手指仍旧紧扣在扳机上。The teen-ager stared back impassively, his finger still taut against the trigger.

我拉过被单盖在头上躺在那里,我浑身肌肉紧绷绷的。I pulled the sheet over my head and lay there, every muscle of my body strung taut.

“品特思魁”完美的诠释了紧凑的沉默配合敏锐的洞察力。"Pinteresque" perfectly describes taut silences peppered with half-stated insights.