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城市生活无疑是繁重的。City living can be taxing.

通过税收来募集资金很难。It's just hard to raise money by taxing.

难道有“向未投保者征税是有益的”的论据吗?Is there a good rationale for taxing the uninsured?

与后者打交道会让人心力交瘁,痛苦不堪。Dealing with the latter can be anguishing and taxing.

思考题难度太大了,我不会解答。These taxing questions are too difficult for me to answer.

他计划向石油公司征收利润税,用以支付退税支出。He would pay for the rebates by taxing oil-company profits. Sen.

而在欧洲,政府征收类此燃料税。In Europe they do it by taxing fuel, which is a similar approach.

这是居里扭作叙利亚巡抚的时候,头一次行报名上册的事。And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.

此外,现在的工作比较安全,且对人体而言没有那么繁重。Furthermore, work is now safer and not as taxing on the human body.

银根紧缩,银行利息高,让我们特别感到有压力。The tight money condition and high bank interest are taxing for us.

需要一直看管着一个易冲动的三岁小孩是很费力的。An impulsive three-year-old who needs constant supervision is taxing.

而恰加耶夫职业生涯保持全胜,且从未被野蛮痛打。Chagaev, unbeaten as a pro, has never been in a brutally taxing fight.

让我们留意雇主所提供保险的适应型吧。Let us see a similar flexibility on taxing employer-provided insurance.

我们还是要向你们征税,然后把钱送到德国,送到欧洲。We’re going to still be taxing you to send money to Germany, to Europe.

对高脂肪、高糖分的垃圾食物征税有助于打击肥胖。Taxing high-fat and sugary junk food is an effective way to fight obesity.

记住如何解压缩和扩展每种包格式将会使人精疲力尽。Remembering how to decompress and expand each package format can be taxing.

也许你听说过“暴利税”,但是听说过“亏本税”吗?You may have heard of windfall tax. But how about taxing the wind that rises?

欧洲其他一些领导人同样表达了对分红收重税的支持。Other European leaders have also expressed support for taxing bonuses heavily.

是的,即使这意味着向富人征税或借更多的钱来这样做。Yes, even if that means taxing the very rich or borrowing more money to do so.

在这种情况下,最有效的解决方法是通过征税来减少消费。In such cases, the simplest solution is to discourage consumption by taxing it.