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我离异,有一个十几岁的女儿。I am a divorced and have a teenaged daughter.

我那正值青春期的侄子脸上长满青春痘。My teenaged nephew's face is covered with zits.

那个十几岁的女孩被邻居弄怀孕了。The teenaged girl got knocked up by her neighbor.

我注意到他们都很年轻,还都只是十几岁的孩子。I noted how young they were, nothing but teenaged boys.

又或者最危险的就是年幼的时候开车?Or possibly the most dangerous, do you simply drive while teenaged?

我说‘这是我们帮助解决少女怀孕问题的机会’。I said 'Here's our opportunity to help tackle the problem of teenaged pregnancy.'

不管怎样,我还是给出了我的意见,因为我希望她能平稳地度过那个阶段。However, I gave it to her anyway because I wanted her to survive her teenaged years.

不管若何,我照样给出了我的定见,由于我但愿她能安稳地渡过阿谁阶段。However, I gave it to her anyway because I wanted her to survive her teenaged years.

一个十多岁的男孩被抬到急诊室,因为之前他试着阉割自己。A teenaged boy had been brought to the emergency room after trying to castrate himself.

她告诉我,她41岁,和一个精神病学家结婚,有两个十几岁的孩子。She told me that she was forty-one, married to a psychiatrist, and had two teenaged children.

然而,他却在做兼职,和躁动不安的十几岁的小孩子一起工作,一年才有2000美元的收入。Instead he's working part-time with disturbed teenaged kids for a couple thousand dollars a year.

几年往后,女儿步入了花腔的青春期,她不再接管我的定见。Years later, when my daughter hit the wonderful teenaged years, she didn't accept my advice as she did in the past.

女人们和十多岁的女孩子戴着各种各样的头巾,大城市的人戴的少一点,小城市的人戴的多一点。Teenaged girls and woman wear scarves of all kinds, less in the big city of Urumqi and more so in the smaller towns.

事实上,48%的非裔美籍少女罹患性病,相比之下,白人女孩的患病率仅20%。In fact, 48 percent of African-American teenaged girls have an STD, compared with 20 percent of white teenaged girls.

当十几岁的卢克在绛德兰荒地迷路时,克诺比指引他走回拉尔斯家宅。When a teenaged Luke found himself stranded in the Jundland Wastes, Kenobi guided the youth back to the Lars Homestead.

吸烟只存在于少数经济条件优越,高教育家庭中的孩子和家住农村的孩子当中。There are fewer teenaged smokers from upper-income, well-educated families, and fewer from families living in farm areas.

我们认为,这次事件是一位二十岁不到的婚姻移民女性,为了保护自己与肚子里的孩子而采取自我防卫的案件。We declare that this is a self-defense case of a teenaged marriage migrant who tried to protect herself and her unborn baby.

当贾维斯十几岁在伦敦皇家音乐学院上学时,就对巴赫的作品产生了怀疑。The music detective became suspicious about Bachs work when he was a teenaged student at the Royal Academy of Music in London.

当贾维斯十几岁在伦敦皇家音乐学院上学时,就对巴赫的作品产生了怀疑。The music detective became suspicious about Bach's work when he was a teenaged student at the Royal Academy of Music in London.

这似乎是一个无害的足够的选择,但后果时凯尔芒先生,杨树的十几岁的孙子,竟然出现了。It seems like a harmless enough choice, but the consequences mount up when Kyle, Mr. Poplar's teenaged grandson, unexpectedly shows up.