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请珍视在尘世间短暂的存在!Please value oen's temporal existence!

这是那个存活下来的个体的时间性部分。It is a temporal part of the one that survives.

我对这里用的现在时“此刻“很感兴趣“I'm interested in the temporal clause "and now."

采用硅胶丰颞片填充颞部供瓣区凹陷。To fill depressed temporal area by silica gel piece.

时域睥参考由图像序列号决定。The temporal reference is defined by an image number.

好吧,颞叶是听觉产生的地方Well, the temporal lobe is where your hearing occurs.

是的,颞叶处理你所听到的一切Yes, the temporal lobe is where your hearing goes on.

脑电图检查颞叶呈异常电活动。EEG showed abnormal electrical activity on temporal lobe.

这一点,对于那些患有颞叶癫痫病的人来说也很普遍。It's also common among people with temporal lobe epilepsy.

内淋巴囊肿瘤表现为颞骨侵蚀性破坏。Endolymphatic sac tumors present with temporal bone erosion.

年过五旬的人若患上头痛,便可能是由颞动脉炎所致。Headaches in people over 50 can be due to temporal arteritis.

内侧颞叶对概念隐形记忆的支持作用.The Medial Temporal Lobe Supports Conceptual Implicit Memory.

希腊译本是按时间顺序排序的。The Septuagint's rationale for ordering the books is temporal.

最激动人心的一个特性是对临时数据的内置支持。One of the most exciting is built-in support for temporal data.

将手中的剑解放于大地,在短暂安详的和平中休憩。Place your sword upon the ground, and rest in the temporal peace.

你的财富、名望和尘世的权力都将消失,变得无关紧要。Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance.

太阳穴偏头痛及鼻塞,经痛均有效。Good for temporal migraine and nose congestion and menstrual cramp.

所有研究对象均取双侧颞叶及中脑数据。Data of both temporal lobes and midbrain were collected for analysis.

在这些文字云中许多显眼的单词都是有关时间或是空间的。Many of the prominent words in these wordles are temporal or spacial.

上颌关节被称为上颌骨,与颞骨连接。The upper jaw is called the maxilla and is joined to the temporal bone.