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你讨厌试手气么?Do you hate to tempt fate?

求你了,别勾引我。Please don't tempt me. Please!

什麽也不能引诱她做坏事。Nothing could tempt her to evil.

诱引一颗初升的星化为一个震颤。To tempt a first star to a tremor.

我们不敢以怯弱来引诱他们。We dare not tempt them with weakness.

我们不敢以示弱去诱惑他们。We dare not tempt them with weakness.

一扇开著的大门可一个圣徒。An open entrance weselves tempt a saint.

吃得过饱的人对食物不再有食欲。No food can tempt one filled to satiety.

远离对你产生诱惑的事物。Stay away from the things that tempt you.

别把贵重物品放在显眼处招贼.Don't tempt thieves by leaving valuables clearly visible.

晴朗的天空使她很想去海滩散步。The fineness of the skies tempt her to walk on the beach.

他总是做很多诱惑我的甜点,等等等等。He is going to keep making rich desserts that tempt me. Etc.

该协议忽视了很多东西,所以可能引起人们的强烈反对。The agreement neglects enough to tempt an outright rejection.

这必将诱惑他们对那些值得怀疑的原创专利说“是”。That must tempt them to say yes to ideas of dubious originality.

这还没有促使他们把苏联的老本拿来孤注一掷。This did not yet tempt them to adventures staking Soviet assets.

耶稣知道他们的假意,就对他们说,你们为什么试探我。But he, knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them, Why tempt ye me?

你使得上帝来绞扭你的心和神经,一直到他迫使你发出屈服的呼喊为止。You tempt Him to wring them, till He forces a cry of humiliation.

谁都知道,那只不过是引诱你走上岐途的香饵罢了。Everyone knows that it is only a bait to tempt you on the wrong path.

当吸烟者周围存在有香烟诱惑时他们是不可能戒烟成功的。People can't stop smoking with cigarettes still around to tempt them.

那我将以良善诱之,或者他便会跟我走了。I will tempt him now with good, and it may be that he will come with me.