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这种习惯是如此深固的。So strong is this tendency.

这个倾向会渗入到招聘中。This tendency seeps into hiring.

鲍伯有爱夸张的倾向。He has a tendency towards pessimism.

容易氧化的倾向时热。Tendency to oxidize readily when hot.

入世后,开放我国律师业已是大势所趋。It is a tendency to open up this trade.

人们倾向于报喜不报忧There's a tendency to hide information.

鲍伯有爱夸张的倾向。Bob has a tendency to exaggerate things.

他喜欢夸大事实是众所周知的。His tendency to exaggerate is well-know.

大势趋向和平。The tendency of events is towards peace.

分析了MFS的发展趋势。Developmental tendency of MFS is analyzed.

这种意料中的倾向会把事情说得天花乱坠。The natural tendency is to hype things up.

留在香港大学的倾向较大。The tendency to stay at HKU will be higher.

矮化是果树栽培发展的趋势。Dwarf culture is tendency for fruit growing.

他们设法阻止住了通货膨胀的势头。They tried to stop the tendency of inflation.

你有把生活浪漫化的倾向。You have a tendency to romanticize your life.

有没有人分析近期股市的走势?Is there anybody analysing the stock tendency?

大多数人天生地倾向于从众。Most humans have a natural tendency to follow.

抑制资源需求过旺势头。Depresse the over-demand tendency of resources.

指出了今后PUR泡沫塑料的发展方向。At last, the tendency of PUR foam was indicated.

至于明代,这一趋势更其发展。To Ming Dynasty, this tendency further develops.