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数值地形模型?。Digital terrain model?

地势平缓。The terrain slopes gently.

这辆汽车长驱穿越了崎岖地带。The car blitzed through rough terrain.

安那托利亚的地形结构很复杂。Anatolia's terrain is structurally complex.

灌木丛林地带和多岩的山坡地区的鞭蛇。Bumped along slowly over the rocky terrain.

负责区域内全线产品的业务。Responsible for all products in your terrain.

但不适合攀冰和某些特定地形。Not designed for climbing or demanding terrain.

重庆地域地形奇特,多山多丘陵。Chongqing terrain is unusual, hills and mountains.

廓来生成地形网孔。Generation, Terrain Editing, and Terrain Modeling.

他们停下来,开始勘测地形。They stopped and began to reconnoitre the terrain.

建立了地形数据与图形空间的映射关系。And the mapping of terrain data and graphics space.

使用一个2D碎片图案来模拟岩石地形。Simulates rocky terrain using a 2D fractal pattern.

齐铁嘴推演地形找到新的入口,众人前往。JiTie mouth deduction terrain find new entry, to all.

他们的表面是模仿加拿大地形而起伏的。Their surfaces undulate to simulate Canada's terrain.

我们搜集了食物,侦察了敌人和地形。We collected foods and scouted the enemy and terrain.

圣域传说将让你不再沉沦!Legend Of Saintly Terrain will retrieve you from lost!

DX11的版本中的一个最大的区别在于地形。One big difference in the DX11 version is the terrain.

SOTER全称土壤-地体数字化数据库。SOTER or to name as Soil and Terrain Digital Database.

喀纳斯的地理类型十分丰富。There are many kinds of geographical terrain in Kanas.

整个地域的地形和杜隆塔尔颇为相似,但是色调更加暗淡。The terrain is similar to that of Durotar maybe darker.