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盖伯瑞尔像在梦幻中一样继续盖稻草。He went on thatching in a kind of dream.

因为这些,所以重新开始茅草屋顶。With all these reasons to start thatching roofs again.

今天,盖茅草顶在美国已经很罕见了。Thatching is certainly uncommon in united states today.

盖屋顶对于美国今天来说是非常不寻常的。Thatching is certainly uncommon in the United States today.

稻草对现在的美国来说的确是不寻常的。Thatching is certainly uncommon in the United states today.

下面听一段导游讲如何用茅草建造房顶的介绍。Listen as a guide describes the ancient art of thatching a roof.

白茅一种东半球多年生的草,作为杂草广泛分布于温暖地区,盖层顶用。An Old World perennial grass, widespread as a weed in warm regions and used for thatching.

像现在我们所使用的茅草屋顶工艺从中世纪以来几乎就没有什么变化。The craft of thatching as it is practiced toady has changed very little since the Middle Ages.

葺的,因为它是实行拍马屁已经改变自中世纪以来很少工艺。The craft of thatching as it is practiced toady has changed very little since the Middle Ages.

自中世纪以来,今天操作的茅草屋顶手艺变化得很少。The craft of thatching as it is practised today has changed very little since the Middle Ages.

在爱尔兰,人们仍旧盖茅草屋顶,而且它们能经受住风速高达110英里每小时大风的考验。In Ireland, where thatching is still practised. The roof can survive winds of up to 110 miles per hour.

在爱尔兰,茅草屋仍在使用,屋顶可以承受每小时110里的风速。In Ireland, where thatching is still practiced, the roofs can survive winds of up to 110 miles per hour.

大多数现在的人都不清楚茅屋有多么坚固以及能够存在多久,这真的十分令人惋惜。It's real a shame that most people today don't realize how strong and long lasting a thatching thatched roof is.

除了热带看,厚厚的一葺材料的优势之一是针对隔热来自太阳。Besides the tropical look, one of the advantages of a thick thatching material is insulation against heat from the sun.

若想把其他六垛也盖起来,唯一的办法便是用稻草盖,可一个人单独干,既费时又费力。The only way to cover the other six ricks was by thatching them with straw, and this was a long and difficult job to do alone.

茅屋在现在的美国当然已经不再常见了,这也就是为什么你们来这里听我讲解的原因了。Thatching is certainly uncommon in the United States today, I guess that's why so many of you have come to see this demonstration.

茅草屋在现在的美国当然是不常见的,我想这就是为什么你们中这么多人来看这个实例。Thatching is certainly uncommon in the United States today. I guess that's why so many of you of have come to see this demonstration.

他认为像耕作叉、铲子和茅草耙子一样的手动工具比耕作机需求更多的工作量,但工作的更好,花费的更少。He says hand tools like tilling forks, shovels and thatching rakes require more work than a rotary tiller, but they work well and cost less.

目前有800名全职茅屋匠人在英格兰和威尔士工作,进行维修,翻新旧屋顶并且还盖新的茅屋顶。Over 800 full-time thatchers are employed in England and Wales today, maintaining and renewing the old roofs as well as thatching newer houses.

本文还根据茅草的蓄水能力和木柱子的稳定性,解释为什么云南地区在过去,会有如此众多的茅草屋存在的气候方面原因。Text also explain climatically the reason why only these are lots of thatching in Yunnan zone based on the aquiferous capability of the couch grass and stability of stake.