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而有神论则让我受到了希望。Theism , and let me be hope.

有神失去了支点。It draws out the pivot of theism.

平常的有神论则更淡而无味了。The usual theism is more insipid.

有神论一般都夹杂在宗教之中。Theism generally comes packaged in a religion.

无神论变得无关,有神论也无关。It has nothing to do with antitheism or theism.

无神论变得无关,有神论也无关。Antitheism has nothing to with it, nor does theism.

在这点上无论是东西方还是有神和无神论者,似乎得到了统一。真不容易呀。The theism and the antitheism seems united here, it is not an easy thing.

有神论,是对社会有害,因为它会导致不宽容和迫害。Theism is harmful to society, as it leads to intolerance and persecution.

王充这些独具特色的方法,成为他批判有神论的有力武器。These unique methods became powerful weapons for Wang Chong to animadvert on theism.

与无神论者、泛神论者、自然神论者相反的。In contrast to atheism, pantheism and deism, theism holds that a personal God exists.

最后一个例子,这种形式的有神论,是发现在黑格尔的概念,上帝作为精神。A final example of this form of theism is found in Hegel's conception of God as Spirit.

意识形态也是一样,要用唯物论代替唯心论,用无神论代替有神论。The same applies to ideology, idealism will be replaced by materialism and theism by atheism.

有哲学和神学的立场,似乎是用“神”与“有神论”,在这样的。There are philosophical and theological positions that seem to use "God" and "theism" in this way.

有神论与无神论是对立的,只有无神论与无神论之间才互有可接受性。Being opposite between theism and atheism, the mutual receptivity still remains between theism and atheism.

新有神论还鼓吹“灵魂不灭定律”、“元神不灭定律”,这是捏造科学!In addition, New Theism has coined "law of eternal soul" and "law of primordial spirit" to destroy modern science.

人类自进入阶级社会以来,在意识形态中始终存在着有神论、无神论的影响。Since human being entered the class society, the influence of theism and atheism has all along existed in the ideological field.

雅斯贝尔斯是德国有神论存在哲学家,他的存在主义教育哲学十分关注人的灵魂。Karl Jaspers is a German philosopher of theism existentialism, whose philosophy of existential education pays close attention to human psyche.

但是,没有明确地区分无神论存在主义和有神论存在主义对于文学的不同影响。However, there is no clear distinction between atheism existentialism and theism existentialism in the Chinese literature with the different effects.

有神论“必然过渡”到泛神论,其理论前提是理智与信仰的关系和宗教异化理论。Theism will surely develop into pantheism, whose theoretical precondition is the relation between reason and belief as well as the theory of religious alienation.

一切的科学证据,都只会通向唯物主义,通向无神论,绝对不可能为“有神论”提供论据,更不可能为李洪志这样一个新的“神”提供什么“科学论据”。In fact, all the scientific evidences will only lead to materialism and atheism. They will not provide any service for theism and such "living gods" as Li Hongzhi.