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很重要的一点是,神权政治并非铁板一块。It is also significant that theocracy is not monolithic either.

这是继神权政治象形文字之后的封建制度象形文字。They are the hieroglyphics of feudalism succeeding those of theocracy.

他们的“山上之城”是一个神权政体,根本无法容忍反对者和别的政教势力的存在。Their "city upon a hill" was a theocracy that brooked no dissent, religious or political.

他们的“山上之城”是一个神权政体,根本无法容忍反对者和别的政教势力的存在。Their “city upon a hill” was a theocracy that brooked no dissent, religious or political.

甚至是穆斯林兄弟看起来好像更适合文明的社会,而非神权统治。Even the Muslim Brothers look as if they will opt for civil society rather than theocracy.

而此短命的联盟只是为给神权政治在缔造时带上世俗面具服务的。The short-lived alliance served only to put a secular face on the theocracy in the making.

根据这项改革,苏黎世成为一个神权统治茨温利和基督教裁判官。Under the Reformation, Zürich became a theocracy ruled by Zwingli and a Christian magistrate.

这之前,他们放弃了宗教统治权威体制,使他们伟大而有能力。By this time, they had jettisoned the practice of theocracy , which had made them great and powerful.

当弥赛亚最后真的到来,祂要把罗马人赶出去,重新建立犹太人的神权政治。When the Messiah finally arrived, he would drive out the Romans and reinstitute the Jewish theocracy.

什叶派逊尼派穆斯林的大冲突劈开了中东,伊朗激进什叶派神权国赢得一分。In the great Shiite-Sunni Muslim clash that cleaves the Middle East, score one for Iran's radical Shiite theocracy.

我几乎没有走出酒店就已经意识到访问一个神权统治的国家一定会是一种难忘的经历。I had hardly been outside my hotel, and already I realized that visiting a theocracy would be a memorable experience.

内贾德有能力将伊朗的保守派民族主义支持者们改造成为能够对伊朗的神权统治发起挑战的队伍吗?Could Ahmadinejad build his conservative nationalist supporters into a movement capable of challenging Iran's dominant theocracy?

至少神权政治的中国不干涉他国内政,也不到处惹事生非。Better go with theocracy China who does not interfere with other countries' internal affairs and create problems elsewhere and at Home.

欧洲启蒙运动可能会终结一些正规的政教合一体制,即主教可以号令军队,国王也可以通过神权治国。Europe's enlightenment may have put an end to the sort of formal theocracy in which popes commanded armies and kings ruled by divine right.

可悲的是,人质的获释一直拖到里根总统的就职典礼那天,这证明了所有的领导人都爱玩弄政治权术,神权国家也不例外。Sadly, their release was delayed until the day of President Reagan’s inauguration, proof that all leaders play politics, even in a theocracy.

西方人不用担心新的意识形态会像1979年伊朗革命后出现的伊斯兰神权政治一样取得胜利。Westerners don't need to worry about any new ideology triumphing the way Islamist theocracy emerged out of the chaos of Iran's 1979 revolution.

这个全新的政党,穆斯林伊赫万或曰穆斯林兄弟会,正寻求在埃及以及阿拉伯世界的其他地区建立伊斯兰教神权统治。This new political party, Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimun or the Muslim Brotherhood, seeks the creation of an Islamic theocracy in Egypt and the rest of the Arabic world.

就在伊朗的神权政体突然转向要重新找回它辉煌的“异教”历史时,影片实际上是被当作美国的有害宣传以及妖魔化波斯而在伊朗遭禁。It was actually banned in Iran as hurtful American propaganda that demonizes Persia, as the theocracy suddenly moved to reclaim its glorious “infidel” ancient past.

新华社补充,“这意味着农奴制的结束,以达赖为核心、政教合一的阶级社会体系宣告废除。”"That meant the end of serfdom and the abolition of the hierarchic social system characterized by theocracy , with the Dalai Lama as the core of the leadership, " Xinhua added.

所以,对克莱恩来说,只有圣约群体聚集时,才是守安息日。在正式的敬拜服事里,圣约群体是升到天上已经实现的神治国家中。So for Kline the Sabbath is kept today only during the gathering of the covenant community when it ascends into the heavenly realized theocracy during the formal worship service.