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这些能量场在神智学作品中称作“躯体”或“载体”。These fields of energy are called "bodies" or "vehicles" in the theosophical literature.

在我长大一些并遇到Leadbeater主教与通神学会后,我开始看见K。When I grew older and met with Bishop Leadbeater and the Theosophical Society, I began to see the Master K.

他和他的弟弟幼年时被安妮•贝赞特博士收养,贝赞特博士后来成为通神学会的主席。He and his brother were adopted in their youth by Dr Annie Besant, then president of the Theosophical Society.

根据神智学的教义,我们所有的所思所想都是我们有思想形式的意识体的相互作用。All of our thinking and ideas are, according to theosophical teachings, the interaction of our mental body with thought-forms.

另一个部分地受到印度教影响的运动是神智学会,曾经在某段时期表现出相当大的影响力。Another movement influenced in part by Hinduism is the Theosophical Society, which at one time exerted considerable influence.

在1929年,他解散了特别为他而成立的世界明星社,这对见神论运动是一个打击。His disbanding the Order of the Star in the East, especially founded for him, in 1929 came as a blow to the Theosophical Movement.

对希伯来经文中喀巴拉的研究发展成一种见神论的秘法,有时是一种无意识的宗教魔法。Cabalist studies in the Hebrew scriptures developed in a theosophical mystique and sometimes in a sort of unintended religious magic.

海伦娜·布拉瓦茨基夫人,神智学社会的奠基人,是布尔沃·利顿狂人崇拜者而也许已经决定他正在提出真正的事实,以小说那样掩饰的方式。Helena petrovna blavatsky founder of the theosophical society was a huge bulwer-lytton fan and may have decided he was presenting true facts disguised as fiction.

见神论协会在1875年成立时,它本来的意图“研究古今宗教、哲学和科学”已所剩无几。Of the original purpose of the Theosophical Society when it was founded in 1875, "the study of ancient and modern religions, philosophies and sciences", little remained.

这是一个非常清晰的陈述,可是通神学会的一位前主席在给某个地方的信中写到“一些大师相信神”,或话里有这个意思。This is a very clear statement, and yet one of the ex-Presidents of the Theosophical Society wrote somewhere that some of the Masters believe in a God or words to that effect.

在她的领导下,在欧洲和美国都建立了很多神智学会的集会处。如果是处于一种较为特殊的形式下,这会有助于西方人知晓印度教的法则。Under her guidance, many Theosophical lodges were founded in Europe and the United States, and these helped to acquaint the West with the principles of Hinduism, if in a rather idiosyncratic form.