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好,总之,有三个关于语言的命题。Well anyway three theses about language.

走向任何通衢,都有歌声悦耳。In every street theses tunes our ears do greet.

我必须十分小心地说是,三个命题,对不?I had to say very carefully three theses right?

第4章和第5章是本论文的重点内容。Chapter 4 and chapter 5 are the focuses of the theses.

这一切都源于我的姨母,浣沁。The all theses all get busy my mother's aunt, Wan Qin.

当我观察他们的时候,那些项目在我脑中闪现。As I watched them, the theses project flashed to my mind.

下列的项目是提议关于那写-向上的论题。The following items are suggestions as to the write-up of theses.

照片是如此的打动人心,希望您能喜欢。Theses are very moving photos and I hope you’ll enjoy watching them.

教育科研论文是教师教育科研成果的展示。Theses on education and research show teachers' achievements in their work.

硕士和博士论文会有不同的要求。There are different expectations for Master's theses and for Doctoral theses.

他积极参与课程改革,十几年来共撰写教研和教育文章20多篇。For over ten years, he has completed more than 20 theses on education research.

这种统一性,使色彩成为作者独特的隐性话语。Theses colors, which are the authors unique latent language, are inter-related.

罗密欧女士,凭着这一轮洁白的月亮,它的银光涂染着这些果树的梢端,我发誓。Lady, I swear by the blessed moon, that tips all theses fruit-tree tops with silver.

如果其他学生写出了关于克雷斯的论文或文章,我会十分高兴的。I would be delighted to hear from other students writing papers or theses about Crace.

一些很聪明的人在这个过程中反而迟迟不能完成毕业论文。Some of the more intelligent people in the program had trouble finishing their theses.

这些价值观能够常常被那些为组织长期服务的成员无容置疑地所接受。Theses can often be accepted without question by long-serving members of an organisation.

这些片状石墨在取向上都与纤维轴相垂直。Theses flaky crystallites are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the fiber axis.

在华尔街,“这种脉动恢复了,人们重新挥动起投资的指挥棒。”On Wall Street, "the pulse picks up and people start reexamining their investment theses."

本文主要论述了新东方政策以及其中的苏联因素的影响。The main theses of the article discusses the Ostpolitik and the the USSR's influence to it.

但是我这些年只出过罗浮秘境一次,很肯定我从未见过他。But I theses guide Luo to drift a mystery place once, actually pronounce me have not seen him.