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金光大道在脚下。Golden thoroughfare in the feet.

百老汇大街美国纽约的一条大街,世界上最长的街道。A thoroughfare of New York, the longest street in the world.

“没有光线,”他说,“这条大街会很危险。"Without a light, " he said, "this thoroughfare is dangerous.

使儒家孔孟思想得以保留并且发扬光大。Can make the Confucianism thoroughfare thought reserve and promote.

徽饶古道,是古徽州通往饶州的主要交通要道。Hui Rao Road, is the ancient Huizhou to Rao Zhou's main traffic thoroughfare.

市或城镇中的公用路或大道,通常有一或多条人行道。A public way or thoroughfare in a city or town, usually with a sidewalk or sidewalks.

它是纵贯杭州湾的通途,也是树立在广大人民心中的丰碑!It is a thoroughfare across Hangzheu Bay and a monumental work in Chinese people' s heart.

这里的大街就像是一条深深的峡谷,两旁矗立着棕色的石墙和深红色的砖墙。The thoroughfare , in this part, was like a walled canon of brown stone and dark red brick.

紧靠东南亚大通道G85国家高等级高速公路。Our company is close to a major thoroughfare G85 highways linking Southeast Asian countries.

整条长街上到处都是一圈一圈跳舞的姑娘们。Down the whole length of the narrow thoroughfare circles of girls were revolving in the dance.

阿切尔坐在窗口,茫然地凝望着空无人迹的大街。Archer had seated himself near the window and was gazing out blankly at the deserted thoroughfare.

着重论述了天下通衢物流网的实现与设计过程。Emphasize the treatise the world main thoroughfare logistics net realizes with design the process.

它是一条康庄大道,说的更好听些,它是一个让知识及类似的东西,可以赖以逃遁躲藏的地方。It is a thoroughfare or, to put it better, a place for the evacuation of knowledge and all the rest.

第四部分是三通阀漏泄自动检测方法与原理。The fourth section is about the auto test way and principle of the three thoroughfare valve leakage.

他们认为这里一些建筑是陵墓,所以把这的主要通道称为死亡通道。Assuming that some of the buildings were tombs, they called the main thoroughfare Street of the Dead.

第一流的三藩市图片。两个男子骑他们的自行车沿着朗伯德街而下,说及城市的弯曲的公共大道。Two men ride their bicycles down Lombard Street, said to be the city's crookedest public thoroughfare.

中国北京,挤满道路的汽车给中国的首都覆盖上一层浓浓的烟雾。A heavy haze of smog hangs over China'scapital as traffic runs along a major thoroughfare in Beijing, China.

它还是直通中国内地的关口,享有“九省通道”的美称。The city serves as the gateway to China's hinterlands and is nicknamed the "thoroughfare to nine provinces".

尼科西亚市中心地带的莱德拉大道一直是塞浦路斯种族分离的有力象征。Ledra Street, a thoroughfare in the heart of Nicosia had become a potent symbol of Cyprus's ethnic partition.

总部座落在九省通衢、信息、交通、物流的大本营---中国。Headquarters located in nine provinces thoroughfare , information, transportation and logistics base in China ---.