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丹若有所思地摩挲着下巴。Dan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

他沈思地看著那张照片。He looked at the picture thoughtfully.

她若有所思地转动着葡萄酒杯。She twirled her wine glass thoughtfully.

她深思地凝视着远方。She stared thoughtfully into the distance.

比利小心地把牙齿放在口袋里。Billy put his tooth in his pocket thoughtfully.

艾蒙盯着儿子,陷入了沉思。这孩子是认真的。Armon stared at his son, thoughtfully. The boy was serious.

于是,我就回到我的房间,仔仔细细地想着妈妈是怎么做的。Hence, I went back to my room, thoughtfully thinking about mom is how.

理查德慢慢的回过神来沉思道“为什么我从没有想过他们会有那样的感觉”。“Why I never imagined they might feel that way, ” he said thoughtfully.

蜜蜂在鲜红的罂粟花和艳紫的蓟草花之间飞舞嗡嗡低吟。Bees moved , humming thoughtfully , from scarlet poppy to purple thistle.

他若有所思地看著被月光及闪烁星光所点亮的夜空。He looked thoughtfully at the sky lit by the moon and the twinkling stars.

多萝茜把下望靠在手上,呆想地凝视着稻草人。Dorothy leaned her chin upon her hand and gazed thoughtfully at the Scarecrow.

在西方,海德格尔、加达默尔的语言本体论对此问题作出高度思辨性的解说。In the West, "the ontology of language" of Heidegger and Gadamer expounds it thoughtfully.

同时,要更加关心民生,尽最大努力做好纾解民困工作。At the same time, more attention to people's livelihood, and do our best to do thoughtfully.

大贝贝很贴心的说要送给阿公、阿妈、表姊、表哥、姑姑等等。Justin very thoughtfully says that he wants to make one for Grandpa, Grandma, Vivi, Mumu, Aunty etc.

然而现在的小孩在考SAT时,必须用心写好几分钟的申论题,而且字迹要让别人看得懂。Yet today's kids are asked to write, thoughtfully and legibly , for several minutes on this SAT Test.

这是通过各种静心思考放置的天窗,天窗和索乐图。This is accomplished by a variety of thoughtfully placed, clerestory windows, skylights and Solatubes.

精致美好的事物很容易被接受并且在心中留下烙印。What is delicate and fine must be received delicately and its place in the mind thoughtfully assigned.

当雕象周道地休息了它发光的眼睛在他们,联谊会兄弟滑动了对止步不前。The fraternity brothers skidded to a halt as the statue thoughtfully rested its glowing eyes upon them.

点点头,当我走出房间随手将门轻轻地关上时,她开始翻阅她的圣经。Rebekah nodded thoughtfully and started flipping through her Bible as I shut the door quietly behind me.

唐太斯靠在一棵树上,对那座可怜的小房子凝视了许久,然后他才走到门口,问这座屋子是否有空余房间出租。Leaning against the tree, he gazed thoughtfully for a time at the upper stories of the shabby little house.