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花剑,没有劈杀用的剑刀,是刺戳用兵器。The foil is a thrusting weapon with no cutting edge.

不要将筷子插入食物以将其叉起。Thrusting the chopsticks into the food to pick it up.

我做着比以前更多的插入和摩擦动作。I'm engaging in more thrusting and friction than before.

凶手把刀刺进她的背部,杀害了她。The murderer killed her by thrusting a knife in her back.

抽动,是最具特征的成年交配行为。Thrusting is most characteristic of adult mating behavior.

照耶和华所说的,从你面前撵出你的一切仇敌。thrusting out all your enemies before you, as the LORD said.

请吃吧。鹤说道,把嘴伸进了罐子里。"Please begin, " said the Stork, thrusting her beak into the jug.

我听到了乐节,向前奔腾和推进的音乐理念。I hear phrases, musical ideas rushing forth and thrusting forward.

无顶的塔不断显现又隐匿,盲目的直插云霄。Roofless towers appeared and disappeared, thrusting blindly upward.

当被喂养时,他们伸出舌头拼命地去吮吸。When they nurse they suckle desperately, thrusting out their tongue.

马吕斯把脑袋伸在他们的头上面,可以听到他们所说的话。By thrusting his head over the wall, Marius could hear their remarks.

长达数小时的性爱不会让你变成“种马”。Thrusting for hours without climaxing doesn't make you a stud muffin.

这样的人是没有意图将他们自己完全信任给阿弥陀佛。Such people have no intention of thrusting themselves entirely to Amida.

花剑和重剑都是完全刺击项目,区别在于有效击中的部位。The foil and epée are both thrusting weapons but have different target areas.

我没看过这麽无力的突进,怎麽,想让我低声下气地求你吗?I've never seen such weak thrusting. What, are you trying to make me beg for it?

这说明,人们需要的不只是对着他们狂扭的R&B女生,这是我的机会。People don't just want R&B girls thrusting their groins at them. It gave me hope.

老万举起酒瓶,对着嘴喝将起来,好像吹喇叭一样。Lao Wan hoists the bottle thrusting it into his mouth as if he were blowing a bugle.

发现弯针后,不可再行提插、捻转等手法。When the needle is bent, lifting, thrusting and rotating shall be no longer conducted.

本实用新型提供了一种水稻插秧机推秧机构。The utility model provides a rice seed thrusting mechanism used in transplanting device.

女性把这种高潮称之为深度高潮,期间她们感受到一种强烈的快感。Women describe this orgasm as a deep orgasm, during which they feel a thrusting sensation.