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1929年,摩根大通在天津开设了第二家分行。By 1929, the firm had opened a second China branch in Tientsin.

这是天津的一座烧煤的现代化发电厂。This is a modern coal-burning electric power plant in Tientsin.

为收复平津和东北而血战到底。Fight to the finish for the recovery of Peiping, Tientsin and northeastern China.

天津将举办第29届奥运会足球比赛,比赛将在天津奥林匹克中心体育场举行。Tientsin will hold the football matches for the 29th Olympic Games at the Tientsin Olympic Center Stadium.

黄河上第一座为京汉铁路而建的铁路桥。该明信片1905年由天津寄往比利时。Building a tow Miles bridge over the Yellow River. The postcard was posted from Tientsin to Belgium in 1905.

天津纬度站于1962、1963年继续用180毫米天顶仪进行纬度变化的观测。Latitude observations with the zenith telescope ZTL-180 have been continued at the Tientsin Latitude Station.

本应用系统己经在天津港第二港埠有限公司投入使用。The application system achieved in this thesis has been applied in the second company of Tientsin port already.

最后,结合天津市宁河县芦台镇商业网点布局规划实例加以说明。In the end, combine the examples about the Lutai, Ninhe county of Tientsin commercial layout to explain the paper.

我们的船经过四十二天令人疲累的航程,越过太平洋,到达天津外面肮脏的港口塘沽。We had anchored off Tangku, dirty port of entry for Tientsin after a miserable forty-two-day trip across the Pacific.

到了七月底,日军不仅占领了卢沟桥,还控制了整个京津地区。By the end of July, Japanese soldiers had not only seized the bridge but taken control of the entire Tientsin Peking region.

天津造币厂官员在模具雕刻完成后,理解到用铁来造币是不现实的。The Tientsin mint officials, after having the die for this coin engraved, became convinced of the impracticality of an iron coinage.

年,原南开中学校长张伯苓成为新组建的天津南开大学的校长。In 1919 the former director of Nankai Middle School, Chang Po-ling, became chancellor of the newly organized Nankai University of Tientsin.

天津港是一个亿吨深水大港,屹立于渤海之滨,作为京津两个大都市的海上门户,腹地辽阔,地理位置极为重要具有广阔的发展前景。Tientsin port has very good national condition. As the door towards sea of Tientsin and Beijing , it has a expansive foreground of development.

由天津三迪科技有限总公司承接的山东黑豹集团有限公司项目己完成设计正投入制造阶段。The project of East mountain Heibao Co. , Ltd carry on by Tientsin 3-Dimension technology Co. , Ltd have completely design and been manufacture.

在2007年初,坐落于天津奥体中心的一万平米宝力豪健身奥体运动店也即将开业运营。In the beginning of 2007, Powerhouse Fitness Olympic Game sports shop, located at Tientsin Olympic Game Centre with an area of 10000m2, will open.

自2003年进入中国,经过不到3年的快速发展,以天津为起点,先后在北京、大连、重庆、成都等地发展了20余家连锁店。Since entry to China in 2003, through 3 years fast development, it developed over 20 chained stores from Tientsin to Beijing, Dalian, Chongqing, Chengdu, etc.

离开塘沽那些思乡的美军后,我经天津前往北平,在一九四六年除夕进入城墙上筑有雉堞的北平城。Leaving the homesick Americans at Tangku, I passed through Tientsin to Peiping, entering the crenelated battlements of the Tartar City on the last day of 1946.

南口之战是抗日战争中继卢沟桥事变、平津沦陷后的第一个战役。During the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Battle of Nankou was the first campaign after the Lugouqiao Incident and the Japanese occupation of peking and Tientsin.