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亮金属片在圣诞树上。Tinsel on the Christmas tree.

由金属丝、制成或装饰的。Made of or decorated with tinsel.

让我们把一些亮金属片放在圣诞树上。Let's put some tinsel on the Christmas tree.

杂货店又被装饰满了冬青树和闪闪的金片。And the tinsel and the holly were decorating the drug store.

一棵覆盖着金属丝和纸链的树让角落增光。A tree covered with tinsel and gaudy paper chains graced one corner.

我们用很多亮亮的东西和小玩意来装饰圣诞树。We've decorated the Christmas tree with plenty of tinsel and baubles.

贝琳达安葬在一个金箔装饰的坟墓。Belinda Khan is buried in the village in a grave decorated with tinsel.

银纸做的星星还挂在它的顶上,而且还在明朗的太阳光中发亮呢。The golden star of tinsel was still on the top of the Tree, and glittered in the sunshine.

一旦华丽的装饰物被移除,我们的很多圣诞树最终被投入垃圾箱。Once the tinsel and baubles have been removed, many of our Christmas trees end up in the trash.

我并未在那些只适用于化装舞会上取乐的光怪陆离的假面后寻找你。I did not look for you behind the spangles of a tinsel vizard only suitable for an amusing masquerade.

圣诞树站在那里同数以百计的红蜡烛,用金属丝和彩色球闪闪发光。There stood a Christmas tree hung with hundreds of candles, glittering with tinsel and coloured balls.

炼金术士穿着金丝织成的衣服,被吊死在镀金的绞刑架上。The alchemist would be dressed in a tinsel suit and hanged from a gallows covered in gold-colored foil.

我们要采购圣诞花环金属丝,金属箔装饰品,礼品袋,饭盒,包装纸盒。We want to buy Christmas Tinsel Garlands , Foil Decorations, Gift Bags, Boxes, and Wrapping Paper Boxes.

布拉尼克蜘蛛吐的每股丝都有金属般的韧性,比同样粗细的钢丝还坚韧。PLATNIK A strand of spider silk is, has a tinsel strength that's greater than steel of the same diameter.

你可以看到不断变换闪烁的灯光,多彩的装饰和打旋的图像投影在墙体上。You will see the flashing strobes, colorful tinsel and swirling images projected onto the concrete walls.

差不多了。我已经挂好了装饰物,也用了很多闪亮的小玩意装饰了圣诞树。Almost. I've put up the decorations and we've decorated the Christmas tree with plenty of tinsel and baubles.

为圣诞打扮房间就像给压血带裹上纸或用金属丝缝合伤口。Primping the room for Christmas was like using wrapping paper for a tourniquet or sewing up a wound with tinsel.

大殿有一座12米高的佛像。佛像金箔覆盖,镶嵌有钻石The worship hall with the 12-meters-high Buddha statue. The statue is covered with tinsel and incrusted with diamonds.

你站在半开的窗牖前,面纱微微撩起,等待着货郎来卖手镯脚铃。YOUR window half -opened and veil half -raised you stand there waiting for the bangle- seller to come with his tinsel.

非晶体金属箔扩散焊技术将给小口径管道连结带来革命性的变化。Noncrystal tinsel diffusion welding technique will give a revolutionary change for the connection of small diameter pipeline.