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五星级的提示。Five-star tip.

直尖帽脚趾。Straight tip cap toe.

这是最好的一条帖示.This is the best tip.

Borysenko的第一个提示?Borysenko’s first tip?

你给那侍者小费没有?Did you tip the waiter?

系带翼尖设计。Lace-up wing tip design.

这是五美元小费。Here's a five-dollar tip.

马来西亚的白尖鳍鲨鱼。White tip shark Malaysia.

你要把船弄翻了。You'll tip the boat over.

鞋尖处配有保护钢板。Equipped with a steel tip.

小刀冰凉的刀尖。The cold tip of the knife.

我握住它微热的翅尖。I hold his warm little tip.

所以,从线虫那里学一招吧!So, take a tip from a worm.

他忘了把小费也算上。He forgot to add in the tip.

鱼叉有倒刺的顶端。The barbed tip of a harpoon.

使我倾斜,然后让我倾吐!Tip me over and pour me out!

我给她五美元小费。I gave her a five-dollar tip.

我会给你一笔丰厚的酬劳的。I'll give you a handsome tip.

第六柄刀尖上挑雁翎刀。Sixth is with protruding tip.

你当真非常喜欢这个建议么?And if you really enjoy a tip?