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你是什么样的支付小费者呢?What kind of tipper are you?

希拉里和蒂珀也短暂地露了一下脸。Hillary and Tipper also made brief appearances.

他显然深爱着蒂珀和他的四个孩子,也为他们感到骄傲。He was obviously devoted to and proud of Tipper and his four children.

那么,我们也无需为戈尔夫妇婚姻的终结感到震惊或遗憾。So let us not feel shocked or sad about the end of Al and Tipper Gore’s marriage.

克里斯是调酒和谈判,一些所谓的自卸车约翰逊欺骗时杰里显示。Chris is bartending and talks to some fool called Tipper Johnson when Jerry shows up.

从而实现了自卸车举升机构设计的模式化、自动化、工具化。It realizes automatic design of lifting tipper mechanism and become a design pattern of it.

戈尔夫妇的分离的很可能是受到了两个女儿婚姻不幸的影响,她说。Al and Tipper may have been inspired to split after living through both of their daughters' marital woes, she says.

次日,我、希拉里、切尔西飞抵密歇根州的门罗,同戈尔夫妇一道参加一个火炬传递活动。The next day Hillary, Chelsea, and I flew to Monroe, Michigan, for a passing the torch rally with Al and Tipper Gore.

据政府说,线人肯恩2007年11月开始与政府合作。The tipper identified as Ms. Khan began cooperating with the government in November 2007, according to the government.

去年,心理学家S和P让他们的学生用一种有别于以往的方法,完成了一项鉴定任务。Last year the psychologists Steven Tipper and Patric Bach asked students to perform an identification task with a difference.

玄武岩来源于上地幔,内有大量橄榄岩包体,其形成机制是上地幔部分熔融作用。Basalts come from the tipper mantle, a large quantity of olive xenoliths , arid the formation mechanism of partial melting of mantle.

随着高温超导量子干涉磁力仪在大地电磁测深中的应用,倾子资料将发挥其应有的作用。The characteristics of tipper were not quite understood. With the advance of high TsSQUID magnetometer application. Tripper data are taken into full play.

对翻车机卸煤时的扬尘特性进行了理论分析,建立了尘粒运动模型,计算了扬尘的粒径分布。The dust raising characteristics during tipper working were theoretically analyzed, a dust particle moving model is established, and the dust size consist was calculated.

当戈尔夫妇,这么一对儿相敬如宾的模范夫妻决定结束他们长达40年的婚姻而不对外公开原因时,虽有古语为训,但外界的猜测还是沸反盈天。That hasn’t stopped speculation about Al and Tipper Gore, who are behaving with grace and dignity as they keep to themselves their reasons for ending 40 years of marriage.

本文研究了二支座摇臂自动压车的旋转翻车机结构特点、设计计算和测试技术等。The article is concerned with the structural characteristics, and the test technique for the performance of an automatic self-locking, two fulcrum revolving tipper with rocker arm.

尤其要感谢我的夫人和利伯曼,感谢他们为我们的竞选不断注入活力和希望,不仅仅为了竞选,更是为了我们整个国家。Tipper and I feel a deep gratitude to Joe and Hadassah Lieberman who brought passion and high purpose to our partnership and opened new doors, not just for our campaign but for our country.

蒂珀和我对利伯曼夫妇感激不尽,他们为我们的伙伴关系带来恳切的热诚和崇高的目标,不仅为竞选活动开辟了新径,也为我们国家开辟了新径。Tipper and I feel a deep gratitude to Joe and Hadassah Lieberman who brought passion and high purpose to our partnership and opened new doors, not just for our campaign but for our country.