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我喜欢这个头衔。I like the title.

您一定得输入作品名称。You must supply a title.

我的姓名是洁西卡?杨。My title is Jessica Yang.

那你现在的职称是什么?Now what`s your job title?

他们不喜欢我的书名吗?Do they not like the title?

老燕衔得新泥回。Old Yan Title New mud back.

他被授予光荣称号。He was honoured with a title.

第四编,第二部,第十四章。Book 4, title ii, chapter xiv.

给你的节目取个朗朗上口的名字。Give your show a catchy title.

他不愧为诗人。He deserves the title of poet.

这是他首次获得温网冠军。It's his first Wimbledon title.

现在我们要考虑一下题目了。Now we have to cons up a title.

这部电影片名叫什么?What is the title of the movie?

在扉页上你都看到了什么?What do you see on the title page?

这个职务的头衔是什么?What title with the position have?

两者都有琅琅上口的主题曲。Both shows have catchy title songs.

她需要得9.75分才能赢得冠军。She needs 9.75 to clinch the title.

对手的大号三分没能扭转局势。The Big Three didn't win the title.

国王赐予他这个称号。The king graced him with the title.

剧名是<哈姆雷特>。The title of the play is " Hamlet".