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那事使全办公室的人都大为惊讶。That put the whole office in a tizzy.

因车发动不了,她心里着急起来。She got in a tizzy because the car wouldn't start.

这个要求使得一些组织陷入一种慌乱的局面。This demand has thrown some organizations into a tizzy.

我走进去的时候,办公室里的所有女孩儿都非常迷惑不解。When I walked in, all the girls in the office were in a tizzy.

财政部一则有关外汇率的报告称立法者很惊讶中国较低的币值。Treasury report on foreign exchange rates has lawmakers in a tizzy about China's cheap currency.

你急急忙忙去做那些你前一晚上推脱没做的琐事。You run around in a tizzy trying to do all those last minute things you procrastinated about the night before.

这无疑让憧憬在月球上建立永久基地的星际迷们兴奋起来。And that, inevitably, has got the space cadets who wish to build permanently crewed bases on the moon in a tizzy.

我学到的另一件事是,北欧人赋予婴儿的任何暗示都陷入了一种恐慌。Another thing that I've learned is that any hint of northern European origins sends the newborn crowd into a tizzy.

美联储维持低利率的决定在周二引起了股市的反弹,巴菲特对此有何看法?And so what does Buffett think about the Fed's move to hold rates low that has the market all in a tizzy that Tuesday?

财长盖特纳关于中国操纵汇率的表示已经让中国官员们震惊。Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner's remarks in his confirmation hearing about currency manipulation have got everyone in a tizzy.

这种月支出计划的最大的好处之一不把经济搞得糊里糊涂情形下,你能随意地更改计划内容。One of the great benefits of the monthly spending plan is that you can change it on the fly without throwing your finances into a tizzy.

这些物质含有一些具有挥发性的甲醛、树脂和铬酸盐会使敏感的皮肤感到紧张。Some of these substances contain volatile stuff like formaldehyde, rosin, and chromates that can send particularly sensitive skin into a tizzy.

在这个不毛之地的沙丘与峭壁中危机四伏,但很少有哪种危机能像贾瓦人那样,让机器人的行为矩阵线路陷入癫狂。Of the many dangers that travel the dunes and crags of the arid world, few can send a droid's behavioral matrix circuitry into a tizzy like the Jawas.

义大利的时尚之都正为了马德里时装周对过瘦模特儿下达禁令一事大为紧张,担心下一个受到禁令波及的就是即将在一周之内登场的米兰伸展台盛事。Italy's fashion capital is in a tizzy over a ban on overly thin models at Madrid's fashion week, fearing it could be next with its own catwalk extravaganza less than a week away.

他们的理由是,我们计算机上的时钟都是二进制编码,99之后,他们就会回到00,那将会导致数字混乱,从而引起系统紊乱崩溃。Their justification being that the clocks in our computers were binary coded and that after 99, they’d trip to 00 and that’d confuse the all out of them, sending them in a total tizzy.

还报道说,Zhara杂志的编辑们很不高兴,因为这段视频毁了他们已经编排好的故事,并且该杂志正在考虑起诉查普曼侵权。Editors at Zhara are reported to be in a tizzy because the leaked video has spoiled their print story, and Zhizn claimed that the magazine was considering suing Chapman for breaching their copyright.