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她一感冒,扁桃腺就会发炎。Her tonsil would irritate when getting a cold.

她一感冒,扁桃腺就会发炎。She will get tonsil inflammation once he catches a cold.

扁桃体好像起好多泡泡,是甚么症状啊?。Tonsil seems to remove a lot of hubble-bubble, be what symptom?

在扁桃体中发生的肿瘤主要以恶性淋巴瘤为主。The malignant lymphoma is the main tumor type happened in palatine tonsil.

扁桃体结石,白色斑点显示它的出现,并被混淆为喉咙痛。Tonsil stones, appear as white spots and can be confused with a sore throat.

孩子吃什么可以减轻并根除扁桃体发炎?What does the child have to you can relieve inflammation of eradicative tonsil?

其实扁桃体是一个免疫器官,是免疫系统的一部分,它有它存在的理由。In fact, is an immune organ tonsil is part of the immune system, it has its raison d'etre.

平足、色觉异常、扁桃体炎检出率波动很大。Besides, the check rate of even feet, abnormal colour vision and tonsil fluctuated greatly.

误诊疾病为慢性扁桃体炎、扁桃体肥大、咽炎、淋巴组织增生等。The misdiagnosed diseases were chronic tonsillitis, tonsil vegetation, pharyngitis, lymphatic tissue hyperplasia, etc.

扁桃体,正常的单核,巨噬细胞,其它骨髓来源的前体细胞除外淋巴和中性粒细胞。Tonsil. Normal monocytes, macrophages, and their committed bone marrow progenitors but not lymphocytes or granulocytes.

在组织中,仅在脾脏、盲肠扁桃体、肝脏和胸腺中检测到了IFNAR1、IFNAR2的表达。IFNAR1, IFNAR2 and IFNGR2 transcripts were detectable in spleen, thymus, caecum tonsil and liver and IFNGR2 was also also detected in muscle.

总言之,感觉浑沌,其后发觉右边颚骨下的淋巴腺涨大了,按下去还感到疼痛。All in all I felt awful, and soon I noticed that my tonsil beneath my right jawbone had swollen up, and it would hurt if I pressed against it.

方法用常规方法对患者的扁桃体表面分泌物进行菌种的定性和定量分析。Methods The qualitative and quantitative analyses of aerobic floras of tonsil surface were conducted in psoriatic patients and health controls.

证实,鸡出壳后初期,盲肠扁桃体免疫功能迅速增强,并在35日龄时达到成熟水平。The results reveal that the cellular immune function of cecal tonsil in chickens are enhanced rapidly after hatching, and reach mature level at 35 days old.

去年,我在一位老朋友的娱乐场所和着不怎么好听的曲调缓慢地挪动着舞步,喝了很多酒之后,我们发现彼此之间有了一丝丝好感。Last year I was slow dancing with an old friend to some dreadful tune at her gaff, having put away a shed-load of drink, and we found ourselves having a bit of a tonsil tease.

然后通过扩增新鲜扁桃体组织中珠蛋白基因及模拟手套被质粒污染的情况下扩增质粒基因,验证该无DNA操作过程对避免污染的有效性。Validity oft his "non-DNA" principle was evaluated by amplification of globin gene from fresh tonsil tissues and plasmid gene on condition that gloves were contaminated by plasmid.

所以如果你的孩子夜间打鼾,并有上课注意力不集中,嗜睡,记忆力下降,学习成绩差,首先要到耳鼻咽喉科检查鼻咽及扁桃体。So if your child snoring at night, and concentration in class, sleepiness, decreased memory, poor academic performance, we should first check to the otorhinolaryngology and nasopharyngeal tonsil.