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戚继光研究了地形之后。After studying the topography here.

地势险要,为关隘重地。Topography Xianyao, to pass heavily.

与此处地形地貌非常贴切。And the topography is very appropriate.

是非常罕见的喀斯特地貌景观。This is a rare type of karst topography.

是典型的峰林现象。A typical phenomenon of karst topography.

这里就是典型的海蚀地貌了。And this is typical marine- abrasion topography.

人脸的“地形图"透露了什么?What does the topography of a face say about a person?

松辽平原在地貌和地质上都是一个盆地。The Songliao plain is a basin in both topography and geology.

平坦的地形有利于在收获时横穿畦田。The smooth topography is easy to work across at harvest time.

烟羽的扩散易受地形的影响。The smoke-plume spreading are affected by the topography there.

地形和天气相结合也可能是很致命的。The combination of topography and weather can be deadly as well.

部署中的每个服务器都有一个特定用途。Each server in your deployment topography has a specific purpose.

岩溶地貌发育典型,辖区内洞穴、石峰数以千计。Karst topography typical development, area cave, Zhang thousands.

我们对海底的各种各样的地形也有了了解。We know something of the great variety of the sea-bed's topography.

图3。地形对物种多样性格局影响的DCCA分析。Fig. 3. The DCCA of the influence of topography on species diversity.

利用DTM,进行地形辐射校正,以消除地形辐照度差异。DTM is need to correct irradiation difference for different topography.

亚洲大陆的地势对气候的影响可谓深远。The high topography of Asia influences the atmosphere in profound ways.

巴赫金的文学“地形学”理论是对这一缺憾的有益弥补。The topography of literature of Bakhtin sis an improvement in this field.

等值线图在气象,地质测绘领域有着广泛的应用。Isograms are playing very wide roles in weather, geology topography fields.

巴赫金的这些研究已经形成了一个初具规模的文学“地形学”体系。All these studies by Bakhtin form a primitive system of literature topography.