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巴黎的每个人都有罪"a Paris tout le monde etait coupable."

我们应该在电视上兜售商品。We should tout our wares on television.

杂志上都在吹嘘这样那样的当季女包。The magazines can tout this or that tiny

小型出租车禁止在街上兜揽生意。Minicabs are not allowed to tout for hire on the streets.

票贩子索价十镑向我兜售原价两镑的票子。A ticket tout offered me a two pound ticket for ten pounds.

我白天在易多一家停车场打工,晚上就去抢劫。In the daytime, I am a motor-park tout at Iddo, but at night I am a robber.

我知道前几天他把一个多嘴的家伙用钉钉在了公寓的地板上。这和毒品有关吗?I know he nailed a tout to the floor of a flat the other day. Was it drug-related?

一些供应商会吹捧其产品获得了授权机构的认证。Some vendors tout their security certifications obtained from sanctioning entities.

高校的画册会标榜爬满青藤的校园、豪华的宿舍和高科技健身中心。College brochures tout ivy-covered campuses, plush dorms and high-tech fitness centers.

食物纤维素被吹捧成最新的万灵仙丹,既可减轻体重,又有益健康。Dietary fibre is tout as the latest cure-all , cuts down weight and promotes good health.

他的支持者奉他为共和党五味杂陈的一帮候选者中人气最旺的。His people tout him as the most acceptable candidate to the broadest range of Republicans.

美国许多州都称其是钓鱼和捕猎的天堂,这一说法也合乎情理。Many American states tout themselves as fishing and hunting paradises, and with good reason.

在家庭的聚会上对沾点小便宜或者是兜售商品,他们一点也不感到尬尴。They are not embarrassed to ask for favours or tout business propositions at family dinners.

在没有充分评估其风险的前提下就忙于兜售转基因食品是不正确的做法。It is not correct to tout genetically modified food without evaluating the risks sufficiently.

她接着还写了不少文章,为糟糕的男性行为辩解,兜售自己的希翼。She has gone on to write articles that excuse bad male behavior and tout her own desirability.

很多人都大力褒扬限制卡路里饮食的好处,但欧思医生指出这其中还是有些风险的。Many people tout the benefits of a calorie restriction diet, but Dr. Oz says there are some risks.

“美国和资本主义国家宣扬自由,但是它这建立在资本划分的基础上,”他说。"The USand capitalist countries tout freedom, but it's based on the division ofcapital, " he said.

小型的坚果供应商招徕顾客的时候可能会说,他们卖的是新鲜的刚剥壳的坚果。Small artisanal nut purveyors might tout that they are selling new-crop nuts very recently shelled.

加芬克尔建议找人帮你说话,向公司说明你的成绩和价值。Mr. Garfinkle recommends recruiting advocates to tout your accomplishments and value to the company.

这位篮坛名人用这个平台来宣布退休,自此以后大众对Tout的兴趣就与日俱增。The basketball great used the platform to announce his retirement, and interest in Tout has grown since.