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罗德里克先生的模型也呈现了一个单一的可被交易的商品。Mr Rodrik’s model also assumes a single tradable good.

配额是可以或不可以转移的、继承的或交易的。Quotas may or may not be transferable, inheritable , or tradable.

电力花了几十年才成为可交易商品。It took decades for electrical power to become a tradable commodity.

合伙制现在可以具备有限责任并且发行可交易的股票。Partnerships can now offer limited liability and issue tradable shares.

另一个可行的政策,就是建立水源使用权利的交易制度。A more practicable alternative is a system of tradable water-usage rights.

被拖欠款项的另一半承包商将以现金和可交易的借据组合的方式结清欠款。The other half will have their claims settled by a mix of cash and a tradable IOU.

2006年股权分置改革基本完成后,中国股市有了巨大的变化。China's stock market has changed dramatically since the non- tradable share reform in 2006.

可转让的债务证券,通常是由政府或者准政府机构为筹资而发行。A tradable debt security, usually issued by a government or semi-government body to raise money.

未生效的指令。除非用户激活此指令递交给市场否则为不可交易指令。An inactive order. It ise not a tradable order unless user activates the order, place to the market.

原则上,排放税和可交易排放许可在限制污染上是一样有效的。In principle, emission taxes and tradable emission permits are equally effective at limiting pollution.

人民币和卢布实现挂牌交易,本币结算从边境贸易扩大到一般贸易。RMB and RUB are already tradable and the China-Russia currency settlement has expanded to general trade.

股权分置是指我国上市公司中存在的非流通股和流通股并存的情况。Share-split is a situation that tradable and non-tradable stocks coexist in the listed companies of China.

这个可以成交的指数容易调整,即是说物价的水平可以容易地调整。This tradable index is easily adjustable, which means the domestic price level would be easily adjustable.

未生效的指令。除非用户启动此指令递交给市场否则为不可交易指令。An inactive order. It is not a Marketing tradable order unless user activates the order, place to the market.

非流通股股东应当以书面形式做出忠实履行承诺的声明。Any holder of non- tradable shares shall make a statement on faithful fulfillment of commitments in written form.

一些最近的创新,如可买卖的排污权和巨灾债券,已经为公众赢得收益。Some recent innovations, such as tradable pollution rights and catastrophe bonds, have provided a public benefit.

不过,由于对全流通改革涉及的那部分股票有禁售期限制,因此它们不会很快一下子大量涌入股市。Meanwhile, lock-up periods on selling have eased worries that the newly tradable stock would flood into the market.

甲股锁定在上海上市的192亿股重庆啤酒截至9月28日,成为可交易的。A share lockup in Shanghai-listed Chongqing Brewery ended Sept. 28, with 192 million of its shares becoming tradable.

这种将上市公司的股份分作流通股与非流通股的做法导致了股东权利与义务的失衡。However the separation of tradable and non-tradable shares has taken away the balance in shareholders right and duty.

对价设置应考虑流通股股东心理承受能力,从而降低股改相关成本。Due consideration should be given to the bearing capacity of holders of tradable shares, thus reducing the cost of reform.