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来治愈创伤。or heal from trauma.

创伤不仅仅是生活中的一个冲击。Trauma is not just a bump in life.

我们可否预防和修补肛提肌损伤?。Can we prevent or repair levator trauma?

所以我联系了一位儿科创伤专家。So, I contacted a child trauma specialist.

创伤也可导致腰椎小关节源性疼痛。Trauma may also cause lumbar facetogenic pain.

11事件给我国造成了巨大的创伤。Nine-eleven was an enormous trauma to our country.

这可能与创伤或某些疾病相关。It can be associated with trauma and some illnesses.

⊙、使人愉快的劳动,能医治心灵的创伤。The enjoyable work, can heal the trauma of the mind.

战争的创痛,让人们倍感和平的可贵。The trauma of war makes peace all the more precious.

在吉拉头盖骨的颅顶骨的区域有个伤口。A cranial trauma with a wound in the parietal region.

因为恐吓、暴力、虐待或自虐造成的精神创伤Trauma due to bullying, violence, abuse or self-abuse

开始的时候是带著震惊、伤痛和许多的情感。It began with shock and trauma and a flood of emotions.

她是创伤外科医生,保持冷静是她的职业素养。She's a trauma surgeon. She's trained to keep her cool.

对Reem而言,来自内心的恐惧和创伤才仅仅是个开始。For Reem, the terror and the trauma were just beginning.

那就表示肾状石能关闭了,为什么?。Which means the kidneys are shutting down. Why?- Trauma.

在今年的打击过后,谨慎是可以理解的。Caution is understandable, after the trauma of this year.

从此她开始了为期一生的精神创伤的治疗。The trauma of the attack began a lifelong path of healing.

缣我以为时间是最好的偏方,可治好的全是皮外伤。I think time is the best remedies can cure all skin trauma.

再手术与受创伤的类型无明显相关。The early reoperation was not related with types of trauma.

让朗朗的诵经声治疗我心灵的创伤。And to cure the trauma of my soul with the oracle of Buddha.