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目的探求目前梅毒血清学试验的最佳选择。Aim To search the best serological detection for Treponema Pallidum.

此项方法具有操作简便、准确的特点,为临床检测梅毒开辟了新的领域。The recombinant of E. coli will be of value for clinical detection of Treponema pallidum.

恶性肿瘤患者梅毒感染的阳性率较高。The positive rate of Treponema pallidum antibody in patients with malignant tumor is high.

反复暗视野查梅毒螺旋体及梅毒血清试验均阴性。Repeated examinations of Treponema pallidum by dark field microscope and serologic tests for syphilis were negative.

梅毒作为由苍白密螺旋体引起的传染病,它的诊断和治疗在当今中国有相当困惑。Being a contagious disease caused by Treponema pallidum, it's diagnosis and treatment is in confused condition in China now.

目的调查了解盐城市盐都区健康体检人员梅毒螺旋体的感染情况。To investigate the situation of Treponema pallidum infection among people in the physical examinations in Yandu District of Yancheng.

梅毒螺旋体能通过胎盘引起胎儿宫内感染,造成流产、死产、早产或分娩胎传梅毒儿。Treponema pallidum in pregnant women could pass through the placenta and cause abortion, fetal death, premature birth, and congenital syphilis.

对25具被梅毒感染过的骨骼的分析研究表明,这些骨骼上发生的可怕损坏来自于一种叫做梅毒螺旋体的病毒细菌。Analysis on the 25 syphilitic skeletons showed the terrible bone damage inflicted by the bacterium that causes syphilis, a spirochete called Treponema pallidum.

但牙周袋菌群一旦失调,密螺旋体会大肆繁殖并成为牙周疾病的主要致病菌。However, once flora imbalance occurs in the periodontal pocket, oral treponema will reproduce rapidly and becomes the main pathogenic bacteria of periodontal disease.

病人之血清学呈现梅毒阳性反应,并从前房水中发现梅毒螺旋秆菌,且由免疫萤光法证实之。Except positive serology for syphilis, aqueous also demonstrated Treponema pallidum by immunofluorescent stain. Ocular finding was the only manifestation in this case.

致病微生物是一种被称作雅司螺旋体的细菌,它是引起性病梅毒的梅毒螺旋体的一个亚种。The causative organism is a bacterium called Treponema pertenue, a subspecies of Treponema pallidum that causes venereal syphilis. However, yaws is a non-venereal infection.

梅毒是由细菌密螺旋体造成的。它开始发病为溃疡,但是进一步发展为皮疹,发热和最终可能导致目盲、麻痹和老年痴呆。Syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema palladium. It starts out as a sore, but progresses to a rash, fever, and eventually can cause blindness, paralysis and dementia.

方法应用TPPA、ELISA、TRUST等三种梅毒螺旋体血清学检测方法,对例各期梅毒血清标本进行检测,对其敏感性及特异性进行比较。Methods To detest the antibody of Treponema pallidum in patients sera with TPPA, ELISA and TRUST methods. The sensitivity and specificity of these three methods were compared.

雅司病一种高度传染性热带疾病,主要感染儿童,由螺旋体细弱密螺旋体引起,特征是木莓状的肿疮。A highly contagious tropical disease that chiefly affects children, caused by the spirochete Treponema pertenue and characterized by raspberrylike sores, especially on the hands, feet, and face.