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我叫着,简直是一种胜利的腔调。I exclaimed in a rather triumphant tone.

时间变成了无处不在的志得意满的死亡。Time has become Death triumphant over all.

张飞大获胜捷,报入成都。The triumphant Zhang Fei reported to Chengdu.

啊!英雄何在!死得壮烈凄惨。Ah! where are the heroes! triumphant in death.

胜利的人权丝毫不需要使用暴力。Right triumphant has no need of being violent.

阿尔贝得意扬扬地穿着他那件小丑服装。Albert was triumphant in his harlequin costume.

齐来宗主信徒,快乐又欢欣。O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant.

莱特兄弟是成功的飞机发明人。The Wrights were triumphant aircraft inventors.

而凯旋归来后,是否可以别来无恙?After the triumphant return, can again unscarred?

像一个兴高采烈的孩子,我给她看那扣针。Like a triumphant child, I showed her the safety pin.

耐吉高球团队为冠军队伍美国莱德杯队设计比赛球服。Nike Golf outfitted the triumphant U. S. Ryder Cup team.

经过与大浪和海鱼22小时的搏斗之后,他游过63公里,最终精疲力尽而又喜气洋洋地在加莱附近上岸。Finally, he landed near Calais, exhausted but triumphant.

美国人有点颜面扫地,日本人正得意洋洋。Americans face a bit sweeping, the Japanese are triumphant.

转眼间到了中午,我坐着车凯旋归来。Turn an eye in the afternoon, I'm in a car triumphant return.

伊丽莎白看得很是得意,不由得朝他那位朋友望了一眼,只见达西落落大方,若无其事。Elizabeth, with a triumphant sensation, looked towards his friend.

他扮演的莎士比亚的李尔王在巡回演出中获得了巨大成功。He's in the midst of a triumphant tour as Shakespeare's King Lear.

然而,这在我的心目中算不上一个特别值得庆贺的成果。But that is to my mind not a particularly triumphant accomplishment.

园丁带着得意的笑容告诉他们说,兜一圈有十英里路呢。With a triumphant smile, they were told that it was ten miles round.

“更新.更好.诚信.共赢”是凯凯电子永远的理念和追求。Altogether wins" is the triumphant electronic forever idea and the pursue."

候选人是否会让得胜者无法享受选举夜的庆功欢乐?Will the candidate deny the winner a triumphant election-night celebration?