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中国长号大号协会理事。China trombone tuba Association.

长号球员艾米Loudin同意。Trombone player Amy Loudin agrees.

小乔随风'的幻灯片长号。Little Joe was blowin' on the slide trombone.

这是“叶子长号上的歌剧魅影”。This is Phantom of the Opera on Leaf Trombone.

我在九岁时学的是演奏伸缩喇叭。I learned to play the trombone when I was about 9.

这支乐曲中有一些美妙的小号和长号的独奏。There are some wonderful trumpet and trombone solos in the piece.

拉管是交响乐队不可缺少的乐器之一。The trombone is an essential musical instrument for a symphony orchestra.

那些坐在长号或者小号前的音乐家会遭受到这些冲击机。Musicians sitting in front of the trombone or trumpet have suffered from these shock waves.

这种新乐风演奏的基本乐器包括喇叭,黑管和伸缩喇叭。In this style of music, the trumpet, clarinet, and trombone form the basis of instrumentation.

这种新乐风演奏的基本乐器包括小号,黑管和长号。In this style of music , the trumpet , clarinet , and trombone form the basis of instrumentation.

研究人员声称,他们首次对长号产生的冲击波进行了视频捕捉。Shock waves emanating from a trombone have been caught on video for the first time, researchers say.

他们包括木吉他,电吉他,小提琴声,长笛,单簧管,萨克斯管,也是一个小号和长号。They include acoustic guitar, electric guitar, acoustic violin, flute, clarinet, saxophone, also a trumpet and a trombone.

马兰还导致TROMBONGA,一个长号四重奏,它在Yoshi的,伯克利艺术节和私人晚会出现。Mullan also leads TROMBONGA, a trombone quartet, which has appeared at Yoshi's, the Berkeley Arts Festival and private soirees.

2009年11月18日,星期三,阿富汗喀布尔。A member of the Afghan army music corps plays his trombone during a rehearsal at his base in Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2009.

因小号的声音最大,就由它吹奏主旋律,黑管和长号则配合小号分别作即兴高低音搭配。As the trumpet is the loudest, it normally carries the melody, with the clarinet and trombone improvising above and below the trumpet, respectively.

因喇叭的声音最大,就由它吹奏主旋律,黑管和伸缩喇叭则配合小喇叭分别作即与高低音搭配。As the trumpet is the loudest, it normally carries the melody, with the clarinet and trombone improvising above and below the trumpet, respectively.

这一乐章鼓乐长鸣,由小号,长号和大号在猛烈的定音鼓声之后奏出一连串雷鸣般的回旋曲迭句,有着火山爆发般的力度。This movement, The violent timpani starts this movement. Then the trumpet, trombone and tuba play a series of thunderous rondo refrain, with a volcanic eruption-like intensity.

文章通过深入地了解各种不同管径大小的长号在不同风格的音乐作品中的运用,阐明其在演奏与教学中的重要意义。Based on the knowledge about the different slide diameter of the trombone playing the various styles of music pieces, the article clarified its important significant in performance and teaching.