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他的逃学一直是个问题。His truancy was a constant problem.

这显示学校的旷课问题比所想的严重。The school truancy problem is worse than thought.

每发生逃学事件都会影响公民的信用。Each incidence of truancy will impact the citizenship credit.

把这称为解决橘郡旷课问题的最后一搏。Call it a last-ditch effort to tackle truancy in Orange County.

逃学似乎成为这个学校的严重问题了。If seemed that truancy became a serious problem in this school.

许多教师认为作弊比旷课更不容忍。Many teachers think that cheating is less tolerable than truancy.

大致说来,逃课的理由包括以下三个方面。Generally speaking, the reasons for truancy include the following three aspects.

别告诉我你昨天又病了。这是逃学所用的最烂的借口。Don't tell me you were ill again yesterday. That is the lamest excuse for truancy.

很明显,每年的逃学数据是从对所有中学的逃学率的平均得来的。Previously, the truancy figures were based on averages compiled by secondaries once a year.

一个堂堂大学教授,为了阻止学生逃课,竟然要采用锁门这样恶心的法西斯手段!A high-profile professor had to lock the door, by such a fascistic method, to resist truancy.

不久后,预期的转变来临了,逃跑的症状缓解了。但他却开始。Soon the expected change-over occurred, the truancy symptom turned round, and the boy started.

他认为李校长只是表达了自己对于少数翘课事件的理解。Xiao suggests that Li was just showing his understanding of truancy in a limited number of cases.

拒学症的分类较复杂,有些是对学校的恐惧,也有些是为了逃学,而且也在不断变化。The taxonomy of school refusal — from school phobia to truancy — is complicated, and it has changed over time.

对于示威,有些老师深表同情,有些则称示威等同逃课。Some teachers said they sympathized with the pupils but others said the demonstration was equivalent to truancy.

缺席者应于二周内完成补假手续,否则以旷课论。Absences must be cleared promptly within 2 weeks. After two weeks, an uncleared absence will be counted as a truancy.

统计数字显示,1万2千多名被逃学纠察队截获的学生中有大约一半是和父母中的一个在一起。The figures showed that of more than 12,000 pupils stopped by truancy patrols, around half were accompanied by a parent.

在仅仅3年的时间里,巴尔的摩就因把辍学率和旷课率降低了一半而获得了高度的评价和大量的新闻报导。Baltimore has gotten high marks and lots of news coverage for reducing both the dropout rate and truancy rate by half in just three years.

英国的旷课统计显示,超过34万8千名学子有被正式归类为「持续性旷课者」的风险。Truancy statistics show that more than 348,000 pupils in England are officially classified as being at risk of becoming "persistent truants ".

唯一的不同就是无论你是哪种性关系,比节欲者面临更风险的情况在于你是否曾经旷课或是辍学。The only outcomes for which youth engaging in either type of sex are at greater risk than abstainers are truancy and, in some contexts, dropping out.

但每年塞内卡中学的校长勒罗伊,都会得到一份入学新生中有逃学和不良行为历史的学生的名单。But every year, Seneca Middle School Principal Al LeRoy gets a list with the names of incoming 7th-graders with a history of truancy and bad behavior.