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而他是个非常好的小号手He was a very good trumpeter.

在一场战争中,有个号兵被敌人抓获了。A trumpeter was captured by his enemy in a battle.

模型是由中国大陆的小号手出产。The model was made by Trumpeter from Mainland China.

我听到你,号手,我警觉地倾听着你的声音。I hear thee trumpeter , listening alert I catch thy notes.

小号手马库斯·贝尔格雷夫为年轻艺术家办了一个爵士乐研习班。Trumpeter Marcus Belgrave ran a jazz workshop for young artists.

德国双黑冠吹鼓手他的黑人牧师计划。Black German Double Crested Trumpeter to his Black Priest Program.

一只号手天鹅正游过黄石河的水面。A trumpeter swan glides across the surface of the Yellowstone River.

我希望小号手的在这条战舰的早期版本中做的一如既往的好。I hope that Trumpeter does an early war version of this ship as well.

后来的基督教传统,使他成为吹鼓手的最后判断。Later Christian tradition made him the trumpeter of the Last Judgment.

不过经吹鼓手父子的悉心照料,他已经醒过来。However, as a trumpeter father and son are taken care of, he has to wake up.

在一场战争中,有个号兵被敌人抓获了。The trumpeter taken prisonerstrumpeter was captured by his enemy in a battle.

我很高兴与最终结果在这里使这一吹鼓手海狼削减以上。I'm very happy with the end results here making this Trumpeter Seawolf a cut above.

特写镜头爵士乐小号手路易斯阿姆斯特朗正用唇膏按摩他的嘴唇以保持它们的有力。Close-up of jazz trumpeter Louis Armstrong massaging his lips with balm to keep them strong. 1965.

早期的爵士乐以新奥尔良为中心,并有出色的首席独奏者小号手路易斯。Early jazz was centered in New Orleans and had trumpeter Louis Armstrong as its first great soloist.

参加会议的各国元首肃立默哀,一位号手为死者吹起号角。As the heads of state and government stood in silence, a lone trumpeter played a tribute to the dead.

但是,当他梦想作一名爵士乐小号手时,他母亲有一套方法指导他。But his mother had a way of keeping him grounded when he dreamed of things like being a jazz trumpeter.

鲁道夫急切地听着,这音乐叫他大为倾倒,眼睛盯着那吹小号的黑人。Rudolph leaned forward intently, gloriously battered by the music, his eyes glued on the Negro trumpeter.

1989年我们飞到明尼苏达州去参加野天鹅协会的一次会,并放映了我与雁群一起成功飞行的影片。In 1989 we flew to a trumpeter swan society meeting in minnesota and showed films of our goose endeavours.

作为享誉世界的爵士小号手和歌手,他推动了爵士乐的发展,并开创了一个新的方向——摇摆音乐。A world-renowned jazz trumpeter and vocalist, he pioneered jazz improvisation and the style known as swing.

我们的初步成功启发了比尔·卡里克,他建议我们将已经学到的本领用来帮助拯救野天鹅。Our initial success led Bill Carrick to suggest we adapt what we had learned to help save the trumpeter swan.