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途易旅游拥有143架飞机。TUI Travel owns 143 aircraft.

但是,在爱德不在身边的时候,图伊与另外一个男人相爱了。But while Ed is away, Tui has fallen in love with another man.

随着“咚咚推”响起,两位村民开始表演傩戏。As Tong Tong Tui sounds, two villagers begin to perform Nuo Opera.

这里楼与楼之间有双重走廊贯通。In Tui Si Yuan, each building is connected with others by double corridors.

全系列产品均通过SGS公司和德国莱茵公司的ROSE指令认证。All products of our company has passed the certification of ROSE by SGS and TUI.

跷二郎腿跷二郎腿会使腿部血流不畅,影响健康。Organisation Erlang Tui WHO Erlang Tui will flow impeded the leg, affect health.

在那些国家拥有酒店物业的大家族是TUI的大股东。The big families that own the hotels in those countries are major shareholders of TUI.

孔子说,“上天把德行赋予我,桓魋能把我怎么样呢?”The Master said, "Since Heaven has endowed me with moral force, what can Huan Tui do to me?"

他还说,其它的海湾地区政府也可能有兴趣与TUI或其他旅行社进行类似的合作。He said other Gulf governments could also be interested to strike similar deals with TUI or other tour operators.

仿佛有着极其厚重的质感一般要从天幕间倾颓而下。Imitate a Buddha to have very and decorous texture to generally want the Qing Tui is from the open space yet afterward.

北京锋锐特机电设备有限公司主要关注北京及周边地区,2008年销售额达到1.3亿人民币。Beijing Feng Tui Te M&E Equipment Co. Ltd mainly focus on Beijing market, the sales turnover of 2008 is 130 million RMB.

女子竞技体操的跳马是横马,由马身、马腿和底座组成。The female athletics gymnastics vaulting horse is the horizontal horse, by Ma Shen, Ma Tui and the foundation is composed.

下半场双方易边再战,第53分钟比利亚传球,伊涅斯塔禁区左侧右脚推射击中后卫。Easy side battles the second half both sides, Villa 53 minutes pass, Iniesta restricted area on the left foot Tui hit back.

时至近代,常熟书坛名家辈出,象杨沂孙、翁同龢、萧蜕等都是大名鼎鼎的书法家。As time came to the modern age, there appeared a number of famous calligraphers covering several generations, for example, Yang Yisun, Wun Tonghe and Xiao Tui.

2001年,正式拜陈正雷大师为师,系统学习陈式太极拳新、老架拳械系列、太极理论、推手技巧等。In 2001, he formally acknowledged Master Chen Zhenglei as his master, systematically studied Chen Style Tai Chi, Lao Jia, Xin Jia, TaiChi Theory, Tui Shou, etc.

下半场比赛,河北队加强了进攻,由11号刘佳在左路带球内切到禁区后,冷静的推射将比分扳平。Competition in the second half, the team stepped up Hebei attack by 11 at the Liu Jia left to cut the ball inside the restricted area after the cooling-off Tui She will level the score.

然而,对于TUI在过去是否曾与迪拜或其它海湾国家政府进行过谈判,以及该旅游集团是否有意在中东地区开展业务的问题,TUI发言人却拒绝发表评论。He, however, declined to comment on whether TUI had been in talks with Dubai or other Gulf governments in the past, or whether the tourism group was keen on having a presence in the region.

清初诗人王士任扬州推官的五年,是他毕生政治、文学事业取得成功的关键性的第一步。Wang Shizhen, a poet in early Qing, once assumed a post of Tui Guan in Yangzhou for five years. This official experience served as a crucial step towards his success on politics and literature.