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给小调起个名。Name that tune.

他们唱得走了调。They sang out of tune.

与她合拍有默契。Being in tune with her.

他们改变了论调。They changed their tune.

似曾熟悉的旋律。May have a familiar tune.

你需要选择你的曲调。You get to pick the tune.

唱歌于自己心情开朗。My singing is out of tune.

她随意地哼出愉快的调子。She flung off a merry tune.

她把调门儿起得太低了。She has set the tune too low.

那孩子用口哨吹奏愉快的曲调。The boy whistled a happy tune.

这曲子听起来很熟悉。The tune sounds very familiar.

调准钢琴需要技巧。It needs skill to tune a piano.

为钢琴调音需要技巧。It takes skill to tune a piano.

他唱个简单曲子都走调儿。None of them could sing in tune.

我们的大钢琴音很准。Our grand piano is in good tune.

他用小提琴给我们奏了一个曲子。He gave us a tune on his fid dle.

他用风琴奏出一曲。He ground out a tune on an organ.

他用风琴奏出一曲。He ground out a tune on an organ.

她在洋铁罐上敲出一首曲子。She beat out a tune on a tin can.

那架老风琴呜呜地奏出曲子。The old organ wheezed out a tune.