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她朝我眨眨眼。Her eyes twinkle.

像银河中闪烁的星光点点。And twinkle on the milky way.

他闪烁著宝石的光茫而来。And he rode with a jewelled twinkle.

美丽的小星个个闪亮。Beautiful twinkle of each little star.

这颗星星似乎向我们闪烁希望。The star seemed to twinkle hope to us.

夜空中布满了闪亮的星星。The black sky was strewn with twinkle stars.

瞧!闪烁的小星,让我们来唱一唱。Look! Twinkle, twinkle little star. Let's sing.

这个男孩地眼睛里闪耀着俏皮地光。The little boy had a wicked twinkle in his eyes.

小溪河流烟雾缭绕闪闪亮。And twinkle in the smoky light the waters of the rill.

远处城镇灯火闪烁,煞是好看。The twinkle of distant town lights was very beautiful.

布兰茜那对灰色眼睛滴溜溜的,露出调皮的闪光,瞧着福克。Blanche's grey eyes gazed at Foker with an arch twinkle.

在闪烁的黄棕色的眼睛似乎都接近。The twinkle in his yellow-brown eyes seemed to come nearer.

你的双眼是两汪清泉,就像那夜空中闪烁的星。You eyes are two pools that twinkle like starts in the sky.

你的双眼是两汪清泉,像星星一样在天空闪烁。Your eyes are two pools that twinkle like stars in the sky.

满满的心愿,踮起脚,闪烁的许愿星就能触到。Full of hope, stand on tiptoe, twinkle star be able to touch.

每当他提起自己那刚出生的孙子时,就会喜上眉梢。His eyes twinkle with delight as he spoke of his new grandson.

每当他想起去年冬天,就喜上眉梢。His eyes twinkle with pleasure every time he remembers last winter.

抑或只是一个嫣然浅笑,便点燃了你眼眸中的那抹闪亮。Maybe even give a little smile and ignite that twinkle in your eye.

当星星闪烁在Bethlehem上空时,被东方的三个国王看到了。When star twinkle when Bethlehem sky, is seen by East's three kings.

他是一位上了年纪的绅士,满头银发,两眼炯炯有神。He is an elderly gentleman, silver-haired, with a twinkle in his eyes.