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凡是演员都知道,出演适合自己的角色并非难事。As every actor knows, it is easy to be typecast.

他已定型专演学者了。He has become typecast for the role as a scholar.

他扮演匪徒极为合适。He is practically typecast for the role of a gangster.

我设想我可能在暮光后被浇铸成了一类角色,'他继续。I suppose I could've been typecast after Twilight, ' he continues.

非裔美国人经常被指定扮演仆人、笑星或罪犯的角色。African-Americans were often typecast as servants, entertainers or criminals.

使用型态转换将返回的对象转换成期望的服务接口类型的对象。Use typecast to convert the returned object to the desired service interface type.

这是你第二次担演同志角色,你会担心这会定死你以后的演绎类型吗?This is your second role as a gay character. Aren't you concerned with being typecast?

在大部分电影中饰演坏角色的克里斯托弗·沃肯,十九世纪六十年代以舞蹈家的身份开始他的职业生涯。Typecast as the bad guy in most of his movies, he started his career as a dancer in the 1960's.

他说他将继续出演具有挑战性的角色,并决心避免成为定型演员。He says he will continue taking roles that challenge him and is determined to avoid being typecast.

亚裔被大学入学办公室形塑为半机器人,被父母设定在数理科学上要领先群伦。Asians are typecast in college admissions offices as quasi-robots programmed by their parents to ace math and science.

最后,她放弃了演艺生涯,她说,她越来越讨厌出演那些“女记者、好侦探、热情女郎”等这种定型的同类角色。She abandoned movies, she said, after growing tired of being typecast as “girl reporter, girl detective, girl overboard.”

明星常常扮演同一类型的角色,如果他们扮演的情人角色受观众喜爱,他们就总是扮演情人。Stars were often typecast and if he or she appealed to the public as a lover, then he or she always played the part of a lover.

除了畅谈他的新片外,还会与观众分享对日本黑帮和当地中国移民的看法,以及被荷里活定型的感想。In this video, hear Jackie Chan's comments about the new release, triad society in Japan, Chinese immigrants and his thoughts on being typecast by Hollywood.

他那张纯朴善良的笑脸,成了渐行渐远的历史符号,最终成为艺术商品市场上一个类型化的政治波普艺术的元素。His simple yet kind-hearted smile has gradually become a historical symbol and ultimately turned into a typecast element for political Pop art in the art market.