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如果罗斯威尔UFO事件是真实的。If the Roswell UFO story is true.

他是研究飞碟的专家吗?Is he the specialist who studies UFO?

我不信关于见到不明飞行物的各种报道。I disbelieved reports of UFO sightings.

丘吉尔接到的报告称,一架侦察机在执行完任务穿越英国海岸返航途中,遭到一架不明飞行物的尾随。by a UFO as it crossed the British coast.

外星人访问过我们。I saw a UFO. 2. We were visited by aliens.

这个飞碟做起来随便,飞起来也很趣味。序数词。This UFO is easy to make a freed fun to fly.

UFO专家对于这项决定表示不满。UFO experts expressed anger at the decision.

什麽样的幽浮技术揭开了量子物理学?What UFO technology has quantum physics unraveled?

你见过UFO或外星生物吗?Have you ever seen UFO or extra-terrestrial Beings?

这些异形,飞碟,雪人,地狱小子的照片。In the pictures of aliens , ufo , the yeti , hellboy.

为什么飞碟绑架被用于遗传实验?Why have UFO abductees been used in genetic experiments?

马上跟不明飞行物研究机构报告。Immediately report the event to a UFO research organization.

随后我就跳上前来接应我的飞碟,飞向那自由的广阔的宇宙。After that, I jumped onto a UFO that came over to pick me up.

他曾称自己在2001年参观过一个不明飞行物。He had earlier claimed to have been shown round a UFO in 2001.

在生活中有很多令人震惊的不明飞行物的景像或多个景像。Have had a shocking UFO sighting or multiple sightings in your life.

我正沿着街道往前走,突然一个不明飞行物正落在我前面。I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me.

能接受的人就可以派到飞碟协会去当理事长了!Those who accept it can be assigned chairpersons of UFO associations.

有关巨石阵作用的推测也是众说纷纭,上至天文学意义,下至不明飞行体的降落点,尚无定论。Speculation as to its purpose, range from astronomy to a UFO landing site.

那位记者说他看见UFO时,它正由东向西飞行。The reporter said that the UFO was travelling east to west when he saw it.

人们常常把一些人造的物体,诸如风筝、气球错认成飞碟。People often mistake some man-made objects such as a kite or a balloon for a UFO.