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神的恩典造访也常不期而至,意外忽来。God comes with an unannounced invasion of mercy.

督学们进行了一次突击视察。The school inspectors make an unannounced visit.

经理每星期都不经事先通知到办公室来几次。The manger dropped in unannounced at the office several times a week.

这意味着一定会出现计划外的服务器宕机。This means that unplanned and unannounced server outages will happen.

提交文本的那次会议未经通报而且该文本有失平衡。The meeting at which it was presented was unannounced and the paper unbalanced.

英国首相戴维.卡梅伦星期二在事先未经宣布情况下,前往阿富汗访问。Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron made an unannounced stop in Afghanistan Tuesday.

在怀疑或情况不规律,任何时候都可能会抽检。In case of suspicions or irregularities an unannounced inspection may take place at any time.

记者随后对部分场所暗访发现,市民举报大多属实。Reporters then unannounced visits to some sites found that most of the public to report true.

当瑟瑟的秋雨再次飘落,秋风吹起,才发现秋天悄然而至。When the howling of the autumn rain again falling, autumn winds, only to find fall unannounced.

展现弹性,当个案未预告即带她的朋友参与会谈时,采开放接纳的态度。Demonstrating flexibility, open to unannounced guest when client brought her friend to the session.

内政部视察员曾暗访多家已取得许可证的实验室,以核查实验室动物福利水准。Home office inspectors make unannounced visits to licensed laboratories to check standards of animal welfare.

美国总统奥巴马对阿富汗作了事先未经宣布的访问,感谢美军将士的服务。U.S. President Barack Obama has made an unannounced visit to Afghanistan, to thank U.S. troops for their service.

一位欧盟消息人士称,欧盟高级官员与希腊政府在周末举行了紧急磋商.Senior EU officials held unannounced emergency talks with the Greek government over the weekend, an EU source said.

本课程不安排期中考试,但通常会不定时地安排一些关于阅读作业或影片的小考。There is no mid-term examination, but unannounced quizzes on the reading assignments and films are always possible.

昨日,记者前往集宁区对几家游戏厅进行了暗访。Yesterday, the reporters went to the Jining district conducted by the Office of unannounced visits to several games.

美国人通常喜欢访客事先通知他们,只有非常亲密的朋友才可能不请自来,尤其在客人要待好几天时更是如此。Americans usually like to have advance notice when people come to see them. Only very close friends drop by unannounced.

然后,在一个凄风苦雨的日子里,伯爵夫人突然不宣而至。Then a day came when the wind blew and the rain lashed the glass, and the Countess entered the Queen's room unannounced.

美国人通常喜欢访客事先通知他们,只有非常亲密的朋友才可以不请自来,尤其当访客要待好几天时更是如此。Americans usually like to have advance notice when people come to see them. Only very close friends drop by unannounced.

德鲁伊能够治疗,正计划但没有公开的某些其它职业很可能也将拥有像治疗方面的能力。Druids can heal as well, and some of the other classes that are planned but unannounced will also most likely have healing.

深夜的暗访是你绵长的牵挂还是你也辗转难眠忆着我含蓄的笑颜。Unannounced visits to late night or you worried about lingering in the memories you have sleepless nights with my subtle smile.