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未觉醒的人练习美德。The unawakened one practices virtue.

有许多未醒的灵魂。There are a lot of unawakened souls.

不觉醒的人必须练习谦卑。The unawakened must practice humility.

未觉醒的人尚未准备好让自我死亡。The unawakened one is not ready to die.

未觉醒的人除了恐惧,什麽都不知道。The unawakened one knows nothing but fear.

未觉醒的人的快乐是有某些原因的。The unawakened one is happy for some reason.

未觉醒的人除了执著什麽都不知道。The unawakened one knows nothing but attachment.

未觉醒的人被制约利用。The unawakened one is made use of by conditioning.

未觉醒的人无论行动与否,都在努力尝试让事情发生。The unawakened one whether does or does not do, does try.

未觉醒的人等待某人被唤醒。The unawakened one is waiting for somebody to be awakened.

觉者没有头脑,不觉者有一个头脑。The Awakened One has no mind. The unawakened one has a mind.

觉者自然地拥有美德。不觉者需要修炼美德。The awakened one has virtue. The unawakened practice virtue.

那噪音搞得四邻不安。No one in the neighbouring flats was unawakened by the noise.

未觉醒者拥有外物,并被外物占有而终老。The unawakened one owns things and ends up being owned by them.

觉醒者保持平衡,未觉醒者失衡。The Awakened One is balanced. The unawakened one is out of balance.

一个未觉醒的人会有一个与其他人思想不停斗争的头脑。The unawakened one having a mind struggles with the mind of others.

未觉醒的人在选择与希望的存在中经验自由。The unawakened one experiences freedom in the presence of choice and hope.

这世界到处都是在“做”的人,但大多数都是“无意识的做”。The world is full of people who are doing, but it's mostly unawakened doing.

一个人如果没有被一个动物给爱过的话,那他灵魂的一部分将无法得到释放。Until one has been loved by an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened.

觉醒的人一直在经验,未觉醒的人一直在梦中。The Awakend one experiences all the time. The unawakened one dreams all the time.