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不知道我也在那里。Unaware that I was there.

我们都不明真相。We are all unaware of the truth.

他的确不明真相。He is really unaware of the truth.

我出成心念到我伤害了他。I was unaware that I had hurt him.

悄悄走过去给他来个措手不及。Gumshoe came to him in the past unaware.

我的母亲不知道我失业了。My mother was unaware of my unemployment.

农民缺乏食品安全意识。Farmers are unaware of food safety concerns.

她可能不知道陈上师的遗嘱。She is probably unaware of Yogi Chen's will.

他们似乎全然不知将会发生什么事。They seem utterly unaware of what may happen.

为何人们会对于自己的不能觉察而如此“无知”呢?Why are people so unaware of their unawareness?

他并不知道章鱼哥有多么厌烦他。He is unaware of how Squidward is annoyed by him.

凡是意识不到真理的人,必会着眼于幻相。Who is unaware of truth must look upon illusions.

他似乎还没有警觉到到自己惹起的麻烦。He seemed to be unaware of the trouble he was causing.

土地的所有人不知道他们所有的租界地的范围。Landowners unaware of the extent of their own holdings.

用户并不知道所有这些后台操作。Users are unaware of all this behind-the-scenes action.

柏拉图却没有注意到这点,我不相信。Was Plato simply unaware of this, I can't believe that.

我们不知道你还有一个兄弟啊,护国公陛下。We were unaware that you had a Brother, Lord Protector.

显然你没有意识到太空的军事化。Obviously you are unaware of the militarization of space.

应用程序很高兴对所有这些活动一无所知。An application is blissfully unaware of all this activity.

在她的下面,杰克完全没有觉察到这支直指向他喉咙的利箭。Below her Jake is totally unaware of the arrow aimed at his