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干这种事与他的身分极不相称。It is utterly unbecoming of him to do such a thing.

你绝不能做出与你的地位不相称的事情。You must not do what is unbecoming for your situation.

萨利,别讲人家的闲话吧,那是很不体面的。Stop dishing the dirt, Sally. It's really quite unbecoming.

这令贵族们感到恐慌,他们认为这门婚事极不般配This horrified the Boyars, who thought that this was unbecoming.

对于男人来说,等待别人率先采取行动是不合适的。Waiting for someone else to make the first move is unbecoming of him.

在公开场合穿著与性别「不相配的」衣服是违法的。It is illegal to go in public dressed in clothes " unbecoming " on one's sex.

永葆青春的秘诀就是决不要产生不合时宜的感情。The secret of remaining young is never to have an emotion that is unbecoming.

永葆青春的秘诀就是决不要产生不合时宜的感情。The secret of remaining young is never to have an emotion that is unbecoming.

尽管人们的意见毫无二致,不过他也有些有失体面的花钱习惯。Despite the unanimity of this opinion, he possessed some unbecoming spending habits.

如果他被忘记,那是我们的盛宴的一大缺陷,一切都不象样了。If he had been forgotten, it had been a gap in our great feast , and all things unbecoming.

诉诸法律是不体面、缺乏仁慈的举动,因此必须避免。The recourse to the law court is an unbecoming and uncharitable conduct. It must be avoided.

我从来没有看见过她脸这样红,笑这样神秘,我觉得这很不体面,傻里傻气的,很怪。I had never seen a person titter and blush before, and to me it seemed unbecoming and idiotic.

但在美国的39个州里几乎所有法官都要经历选举和重新选举,而竞选又大都伴随着有损法官形象的“自吹自擂”。But in 39 states some or all judges must face election and re-election, often with unbecoming hoopla.

因为它似乎过于荒谬不采取任何通知,肮脏的神圣的东西时,它是不得体的,即使在世俗的东西。For it seems too absurd to take no notice of squalor in sacred things when it is unbecoming even in profane things.

比如这些领头学生决定穿鲜红色羊毛衫很时尚,那很快人人都会穿着鲜红色羊毛衫。There is nothing wrong with that, except the fact that on some people a bright red sweater is extremely unbecoming.

同样的道理,无论身体的疼痛多么难以忍受,只要大声喊出来就显得不庄重不优雅。It is for the same reason that to cry out with bodily pain, how intolerable soever, appears always unmanly and unbecoming.

当我问询俱乐部最近是在什么时候他们把行为不当或野蛮对待员工的会员取消了会籍的时候,我看到的是异样的表情。When I ask clubs when they last removed a member for unbecoming conduct or mistreating staff I am commonly met with quizzical looks.

但是在39个州一些甚至全部法官必须面对竞选和改选,这通常伴随着与法官身份不相称的大吹大擂。In America federal judges are as well. But in 39 states some or all judges must face election and re-election, often with unbecoming hoopla.

尽管一直声称自己是无辜的,然而,作为全球银行机构的负责人,卡恩戴着手铐的形象却不太得体。Despite pleading innocence, the images of Dominique Strauss-Kahn in handcuffs was unbecoming of the leader of the global banking institution.

然而高校图书馆外文图书却普遍存在读者少、利用率低是的问题,这种怪现象与人才密集的高校是极不相称的。However, the strange phenomenon of few readers and low utility of foreign books in university library is unbecoming for a place full of talent.