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钱德勒本身就是个鉴戒,警告人们不要把拆分风尚演绎得太为过分。He himself was a warning against taking the unbundling fad too far.

保持原来风格,但这听起来更像是品牌机票和非捆绑式定价。Hold the sauce, but that sounds a lot to me like branded fares and a whole lot of unbundling.

而现在,Netflix又将其业务拆分成了在线视频和邮寄两种不同的服务。Now, Netflix is unbundling its services into two separate services, streaming, and mail order.

以消费者福利著手达到强制性电信网路松绑〉。Hausman. A Consumer-Welfare Approach to the Mandatory Unbundling of Telecommunications Networks.

这个桌面的设计目的是支持多个GDS,并鼓励追加销售、交叉销售以及非捆绑式销售。This desktop is designed to support multiple GDSs and to encourage up-selling, cross-selling and unbundling.

对每种商品或服务的各种特性分类定价,有助于其对每个人的价值最大化。Unbundling the particular characteristics of each good or service facilitates maximizing its value to each individual.

音乐产业由于iTunes将专辑中的歌曲按每首99美分的价格在网上出售而使音乐产业专辑销售遭遇滑铁卢。And the music industry got blindsided when iTunes started unbundling songs from albums and selling them for 99 cents apiece.

他希望在产品创新的基础上展开竞争,通过捆绑或拆分产品,在竞争中领先一步。He hopes to compete in the market based on product innovation and be one step ahead of the competition by bundling or unbundling products.

实际上,开放式系统所要做的就是分解计算机系统的所有复杂性,并在各种不同系统中使用类似的结构。In practice, open systems are all about unbundling all the complexities of a computer system and using similar structure across different systems.

所以从这个意义上说,消费者已不再遵从传统的购物流程。In this way, consumers are "deconstructing the purchasing process", says Professor Sawhney. They are unbundling product information from the transaction itself.

他认为解绑举措应该在20世纪90年代展开,那时能源价格低廉,投资要求微不足道,供应充足。In his view unbundling should have been pushed through in the 1990s, when energy prices were low, investment requirements were negligible and supply was abundant.

就光纤而言,由于市场进入障碍并不明显,而宜即刻解除租用管制,并鼓励各电信业者以设施型竞争为阶段性竞争之目标。However, around the unbundling fiber local loop, without entry barriers, we had better to de-regulate the unbundling and encourage operators to install infrastructure.

在日本经营的证券经纪公司正提倡实行分项收费,对手续费和研究费分开计算,目的是形成弹性费率制。Brokerages operating in Japan are working to encourage unbundling in the world's second largest economy with the aim of achieving flexible payment systems for execution and research costs.