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但是故事情节却不清楚。But the story was unclear.

伊朗的意图仍然未明。Iran's intentions remain unclear.

华国锋在四人帮被捕中的作用至今不甚明瞭。Hua's role in the arrests is unclear.

目前尚不清楚其中是否将有可行的方式。It is unclear if any of them will work.

目前还不清楚是谁在背后捣鬼。It is unclear who was behind the stunt.

门多萨为什么射击现在还不清楚。Why Mendoza started shooting is unclear.

尚不清楚这889名非洲妇女该如何安置。What happens to the 889 women is unclear.

谁将会接任哈尔德的首相之职尚未可知。Who will take over from Haarde is unclear.

这段插曲的财政代价尚不明朗。The fiscal cost of this episode is unclear.

但尚不清楚有何行动上的改变。But it is unclear what has changed in practice.

这种方法实际如何操作尚不清楚。How that will work in practice remains unclear.

在日本有多少女招待并未有明确数据统计。It is unclear how many hostesses work in Japan.

民族国家概念的起源是不清楚的。The origin of the nation-state idea is unclear.

这些土墩的确切用途尚不清楚。The exact purpose of the mounds remains unclear.

如果出现骚乱,中国政府的态度会是怎样就不明朗了。China’s role in the brouhaha, if any, is unclear.

毛发水栅的功效如何我们不得而知。It's unclear how much good the hair booms may do.

东北蕨类植物的未详知种。Some unclear species of ferns in northeast China.

现在还不清楚这次的贷款计划总规模会有多大。It is unclear how big the lending program will be.

到目前为止,这场运动的下一步尚不明朗。As of now, next steps for the movement are unclear.

也许可以,但对比却是模糊不清的。Perhaps, but the contrast is ambiguous and unclear.