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梅森女士于去年动了手术。Last year, Ms. Mason underwent surgery.

探险家们遭受到许多痛若。The explorers underwent much suffering.

这架新飞机经试验后令人满意。The new aircraft underwent its test well.

因此他遭受了很多不堪忍受的歧视。Thus he underwent much unbearable discrimination.

显露每只动物的右侧坐骨神经,利刀横断。Each rat underwent right sciatic nerve transection.

被误解的人遭受了上司的怒喝。The misunderstood man underwent his boss's thunder.

他二周内经受了四次连续手术。He underwent four successive operations in two weeks.

有位朋友最近做了喉镜检查。I have a friend who recently underwent a laryngoscopy.

至少经历有三次热液迭加。It at least underwent threehydrothermal superpositions.

门静脉分支结扎的肝叶逐渐萎缩。The ligated liver lobes underwent an atrophy gradually.

他因犯了大窃案受过十九年的苦刑。He underwent nineteen years of penal servitude for theft.

我因为吸烟成瘾接受了厌恶疗法的治疗。I underwent aversion therapy for my addiction to smoking.

另一个亚组采用动态血压监测。A subgroup of patients underwent ambulatory BP monitoring.

因此,路翎笔下人物都经历着从疯狂到死亡的艰难历程。So they underwent the hard process from insanity to death.

1956到1960年间,“卡拉辛”号经历了一场大规模的重建。The ‘Krasin’ underwent capital reconstruction in 1956-1960.

同时,唐人街经历了两个“美化项目”。Meanwhile Chinatown underwent two "beautification projects".

我的一个朋友上个月是在你们医院作的整容手术。One of my friends underwent a cosmetic operation last month.

他于2009年接受肝脏移植手术后重返工作。He underwent a liver transplant in 2009 but returned to work.

弗里达的健康状况持续恶化,她的一条腿被切除。Her health went on failing and she underwent a leg amputation.

因此阿扬已经在伦敦接受了内窥镜手术。For this reason Arjen underwent arthroscopic surgery in London.