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而我是那么不孝。And I was so unfilial.

这时,你该骂我不孝子孙了。Then you Gaima I unfilial descendants.

“孝”与“不孝”孰是孰非?。"filial"and"unfilial", which one is right?

这种不孝子该告。法院怎么判?The unfilial son deserves it. What's the sentence?

不孝罪随着时代的发展、孝观念的变迁而变迁。The unfilial crime changed with the filial conception.

你能这样一想,吃自己父母亲的肉,这多不孝啊!How unfilial it would be to eat the flesh of your own parents!

新加坡普遍认为不孝是不可接受的。People consider unfilial behaviour out-of-bounds in Singapore.

长大后,自然动辄忤逆反抗,成为一个不孝子。When they grow up they will rebel and become unfilial children.

我们这一对不孝的儿子又要如何面对九泉下的母亲?!These two unfilial sons how to face the mother who already passed away?

一个人对父母不好,我们就会批评他不孝。A person is not good to the parents, we will criticize him to be unfilial.

一些年轻人把他们年老的父母送到养老院。这是很不孝顺的。Some young persons send their old parents to resthome. It's very unfilial.

一些年轻人把他们年老的父母送到养老院。这是很不孝顺的。Some young people send their aged parents to resthome. It is very unfilial for parents.

两汉四百余年,不孝罪又随着以礼入法的进程越来越受到重视,涵盖的内容越来越多。During Han Dynasty, the unfilial crime had been taken seriously and put more and more content.

西汉中期以后,这些罪名相继入律,至东汉“与母别居”也成为不孝罪的内容之一。Especially, the separateion with his mother became a kind of unfilial crime in later Han Dynasty.

古代哲学家孟子有云,“不孝有三,无后为大。”“THERE are three ways of being an unfilial son,” argued Mencius, an ancient Confucian philosopher.

不孝的是,由于工作原因,我没能回去陪护他度过这段最后的时间。Unfilial that, due to reasons of work, I could not go back and accompany him through this last time.

故有些不孝子报丧时须在舅家门口下跪痛哭较长时间。Give obituary notice it when some unfilial shall kneel down in front of a longer period of time crying.

这是一种不孝,放弃自己,对自己毫不负责,轻视生命的愚昧行为。This is a kind of unfilial to abandon oneself, to oneself, without charge, despise the foolish behavior.

到了第四天,他父亲打开了门,唐文亮保持了童贞,但同时也成了不孝之子。On the fourth day, when his father unlocked the door, the boy emerged not only a virgin but an unfilial son.

他们认为,我身为一个女孩不给他们赚钱不什么事都顺从,就是大逆不道,就是不孝。They think, I am a girl not to give them money is not everything is obedient, treason and heresy, are unfilial.