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适合正常发质电发使用。Uniquely for normal hair.

什么使我们人类不同于其他生物的呢?What is it that makes us uniquely human?

我们怎么样为客户提供独特的价值?How do we uniquely provide value to our customers?

房地产泡沫是史无前例的,而且又是独特地可怕。The housing bubble was unique, and uniquely awful.

每个列表和视图都通过GUID来唯一标识。Each list and view is uniquely identified with a GUID.

移情作用曾经一度被认为是人类的专利。Empathy was once thought to be a uniquely human trait.

我觉得,这个理论仅适用于性和恋爱关系中。I think this uniquely shows up in sex and relationships.

如你所见,这并非俄国独有的This is not just a uniquely Russian tale, as you can see.

特有的原始景观,没开发过的。The landscape is uniquely primeval and rather undeveloped.

这里有着得天独厚的地理优势。This place has uniquely advantageous geographic conditions.

服务接口都被赋以唯一的名称,供标识之用。Service interfaces were given names to uniquely identify them.

启始指令码是以索引键和型别唯一识别的。A startup script is uniquely identified by its key and its type.

与此同时,美国处于可以协助土耳其的独特位置上。At the same time, the US is uniquely positioned to assist Turkey.

珠饰、嵌花和刺绣可增添一种独特的女人味。Bead-work, applique and embroidery add a uniquely feminine touch.

围绕在天坛独特建筑四周的是回音壁。Among the uniquely constructed temples stands the Whispering Wall.

环境扩充功能必须提供唯一定义的型别字串。Environment extensions must provide uniquely defined type strings.

单击连接并且一个独特的彩色鬼魂显示在屏幕上。Click Connect and a uniquely colored ghost avatar appears onscreen.

怀疑论者以为,互联网并无让人上瘾的特性。Sceptics say there is nothing uniquely addictive about the internet.

反应的区域选择性很高,均发生在与氮相连的苯环的对位。The reaction uniquely occurs at the para position of N-benzene ring.

达利将这个人类独有的特点提升为自己的艺术形式。Dalíelevated this uniquely human characteristic into his own artform.